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国际TOP10药学期刊文章信息 (2024年7月)

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一、临床药理学与治疗学 (2024年第116卷第1期)

July 2024 - Volume 116 - Issue 1(2024年7月第116卷第1期)

1. 综合QTc评估的有效性、效果和效率:合理化新药模式的方法
The Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Efficiency of Integrated QTc Assessment: Rationalizing Approaches to New Drug Modalities
作者:Matthew M. Abernathy, Derek J. Leishman* (Eli Lilly and Company, USA)
2. COVID-19对临床试验实施和设计的影响:IQ联盟视角
Impact of COVID-19 on the Conduct and Design of Clinical Trials: IQ Consortium Perspective
作者:Mohamed-Eslam F. Mohamed* (AbbVie Inc., USA)
3. 临床实践视角下OATP1B1相关药物相互作用的评估
A Clinical Practice Perspective on the Evaluation of OATP1B1-associated Drug Interactions
作者:Céline K. Stäuble* (University of Basel, Switzerland)
4. 支持利福平在临床药物-药物相互作用研究中继续使用的案例
A Case to Support the Continued Use of Rifampin in Clinical Drug–Drug Interaction Studies
作者:Joel P. Bercu, Jayaprakasam Bolleddula* (Gilead Sciences, Inc., USA; EMD Serono Research & Development Institute, Inc., USA)
5. 释放大型语言模型在加速药物开发中的潜力
Unlocking the Capabilities of Large Language Models for Accelerating Drug Development
作者:Wes Anderson, Jagdeep T. Podichetty* (Critical Path Institute, USA)
1. 是否应该开展专门的TQT研究?申办方和监管机构在评估QT责任替代途径方面的考量
Should You Run a Dedicated TQT Study? Sponsor and Regulatory Considerations on Substitution Pathways to Assess QT Liability
作者:Robert M. Lester* (Celerion, USA)
1. 平台试验的监管问题:来自EU-PEARL的经验教训
Regulatory Issues of Platform Trials: Learnings from EU-PEARL
作者:Quynh Lan Nguyen, Katharina Hees, Benjamin Hofner* (Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Germany)
2. 荷兰药物监管科学的发展:不仅仅是一个国家报告
The Evolution of Drug Regulatory Sciences in the Netherlands: More than a Country Report
作者:Anna M. G. Pasmooij* (Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board, The Netherlands)
Systematic Review(系统综述)
1. 成纤维细胞生长因子-21类似物治疗代谢功能障碍相关性脂肪肝病的疗效与安全性:系统评价和Meta分析
Efficacy and Safety of Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 Analogs for the Treatment of Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
作者:Changhyeon Jeong, In-hwan Baek* (Kyungsung University, Korea)
2. 中国在药物监管决策中使用真实世界证据的情况
The Use of Real-World Evidence for Regulatory Decisions in China
作者:Jiayue Xu, Wenkai Wu, Wen Wang*, Xin Sun* (West China Hospital, Sichuan University, China)
1. 寡核苷酸治疗药物的致心律失常风险的科学综述:低风险方式是否需要专门的ICH S7B/E14研究?
Scientific Review of the Proarrhythmic Risks of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics: Are Dedicated ICH S7B/E14 Studies Needed for Low-Risk Modalities?
作者:Yusheng Qu* (Amgen Inc., USA)
2. 联合前瞻性研究结果:评估体内犬QT实验对ICH E14/S7B问答最佳实践的敏感性
Results from a Joined Prospective Study to Evaluate the Sensitivity of the In Vivo Dog QT Assay in Line with the ICH E14/S7B Q&A Best Practices
作者:Anne-Marie Bétat* (Biotrial Pharmacology, France)
3. 阿片类药物和骨骼肌松弛剂联合使用的伤害风险比较
Comparative Risk of Injury with Concurrent Use of Opioids and Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
作者:Cheng Chen, Charles E. Leonard* (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
4. 经皮尼古丁贴片在年轻健康非吸烟者中增加内皮祖细胞数量和功能,无不良血液动力学效应
Transdermal Nicotine Patch Increases the Number and Function of Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Young Healthy Nonsmokers without Adverse Hemodynamic Effects
作者:Yen-Yu Liu, Cheng-Huang Su*, Hung-I Yeh* (MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taiwan, China)
5. 关于EMA和卫生技术评估(HTA)组织评估创新药物时替代治疗方案可用性的协议
Agreement about Availability of Alternative Treatments for Innovative Drugs Assessed by the EMA and HTA Organizations
作者:Jorge Madrid Paredes, Lourens T. Bloem* (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
6. NLRP3基因多态性与哮喘患者血浆中4β-羟胆固醇水平相关,4β-羟胆固醇是细胞色素P450 3A (CYP3A)活性的内源性标志物
Gene Polymorphisms of NLRP3 Associated With Plasma Levels of 4β-Hydroxycholesterol, an Endogenous Marker of CYP3A Activity, in Patients With Asthma
作者:Keita Hirai*, Kunihiko Itoh* (University of Shizuoka, Japan)
7. 他莫昔芬辅助治疗早期乳腺癌患者中的内源性化合物endoxifen血清浓度及其疗效的全基因组关联研究
A Genome-Wide Association Study of Endoxifen Serum Concentrations and Adjuvant Tamoxifen Efficacy in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients
作者:Anabel Beatriz Sanchez-Spitman, Henk-Jan Guchelaar* (Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands)
8. 利用信号检测和生物学合理性方面在自发报告中识别药物-药物相互作用
Identifying Drug–Drug Interactions in Spontaneous Reports Utilizing Signal Detection and Biological Plausibility Aspects
作者:Elpida Kontsioti* (University of Liverpool, UK)
9. 追踪数字治疗研究在医学专业中的应用:ClinicalTrials.gov的证据
Tracing Digital Therapeutics Research Across Medical Specialties: Evidence from ClinicalTrials.gov
作者:Lars Masanneck* (Medical Faculty University Hospital Düsseldorf, Germany)
10. HepQuant DuO量化的肝功能损害在预测安非他命类药物安普雷洛西汀的药代动力学方面优于Child-Pugh分级
Hepatic Dysfunction Quantified by HepQuant DuO Outperforms Child-Pugh Classification in Predicting the Pharmacokinetics of Ampreloxetine
作者:Jitendra Kanodia, Gregory T. Everson* (Theravance Biopharma US, Inc., USA; HepQuant LLC, USA)
11. 从随机AMBORA试验到临床实践:口服抗癌治疗中用药错误的比较
From the Randomized AMBORA Trial to Clinical Practice: Comparison of Medication Errors in Oral Antitumor Therapy
作者:Lisa Cuba, Martin F. Fromm* (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
12. 应用鸡尾酒方法和外显子芯片分析揭示影响药物代谢变异的其他变异的表型-基因型相关性
Phenotype–Genotype Correlation Applying a Cocktail Approach and an Exome Chip Analysis Reveals Further Variants Contributing to Variation of Drug Metabolism
作者:Ruwen Böhm, Henrike Bruckmueller, Ingolf Cascorbi* (University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Germany)
13. 长期与短期促红细胞生成素在血液透析患者中的比较安全性研究
Comparative Safety of Long-Acting vs. Short-Acting Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents Among Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis
作者:Raj Desai, Haesuk Park* (University of Florida, USA)
14. PBPK如何帮助理解老药并指导老年人的剂量:金刚烷胺案例研究
How PBPK Can Help to Understand Old Drugs and Inform their Dosing in Elderly: Amantadine Case Study
作者:Olha Shuklinova* (Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland)
15. 性别与肾脏药物代谢酶和转运体:临床前药物处置数据能否转化为人类数据?
Sex and the Kidney Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes and Transporters: Are Preclinical Drug Disposition Data Translatable to Humans?
作者:Aarzoo Thakur, Bhagwat Prasad* (Washington State University, USA)
16. 系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)发病机制中的B细胞和T细胞衰减因子
B- and T-Lymphocyte Attenuator in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Pathogenesis
作者:Andrew C. Vendel* (Lilly Biotechnology Center, USA)


July 2024 - Volume 76 - Issue 4 (2024年7月第76卷第4期)

Perspective (观点)
1. 地平线上的希望:脂肪肝病的有前景治疗方法
Hope on the Horizon: Promising Therapies for Steatotic Liver Disease
作者:Amirhossein Sahebkar, Ali H. Eid* (Saveetha Medical College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Saveetha University, India; Qatar University, Qatar)
Review Articles(综述文章)
1. 针对多发性硬化症不同表型病理生理机制的新型和新兴治疗
Novel and Emerging Treatments to Target Pathophysiological Mechanisms in Various Phenotypes of Multiple Sclerosis
作者:Gabriel Bsteh, Thomas Berger* (Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
2. 风湿病中的精准医疗:释放抗体药物偶联物的潜力
Precision Medicine in Rheumatic Diseases: Unlocking the Potential of Antibody-Drug Conjugates
作者:Zhiwen Huang, Jixin Zhong* (Tongji Hospital, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
3. 全面产生GPCR-转导蛋白缺陷细胞系以剖析GPCR信号传导的复杂性
Generation of Comprehensive GPCR-Transducer-Deficient Cell Lines to Dissect the Complexity of GPCR Signaling
作者:Ayaki Saito, Ryoji Kise* (Tohoku University, Japan)

三、先进药物输送评论 (2024年第210卷)

July 2024 - Volume 209 (2024年7月第210卷)

Review article(综述文章)
1. 超分辨率分子探针在药物动态的成像中的应用
Molecular probes for super-resolution imaging of drug dynamics
作者:Hongbao Fang* (Nanjing Normal University, China)
2. 局部侵袭性癌症的免疫疗法
Immunotherapies for locally aggressive cancers
作者:Sarah C. Adams1, Arun K. Nambiar1, Yolonda L. Colson2*, Wilson W. Wong1*, Mark W. Grinstaff1* (1. Boston University, USA; 2. Massachusetts General Hospital, USA)
3. 工程化抗原呈递细胞用于自身免疫病的免疫疗法
Engineering antigen-presenting cells for immunotherapy of autoimmunity
作者:Clinton T. Smith, Jamal S. Lewis* (University of Florida, USA)
4. 纳米载体介导的眼后部疾病局部治疗和诊疗的最新进展与策略
Recent advances and strategies for nanocarrier-mediated topical therapy and theranostic for posterior eye disease
作者:Maria João Faria, Marlene Lúcio* (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
5. 长效经皮药物递送制剂:当前发展与创新制药方法
Long-acting transdermal drug delivery formulations: Current developments and innovative pharmaceutical approaches
作者:Tanvi Karve, Amruta Dandekar, Ajay K. Banga* (Mercer University, USA)
6. 调节肠道菌群以用于癌症治疗的新策略
Novel strategies for modulating the gut microbiome for cancer therapy
作者:Young Seok Cho1, Kai Han2, Jin Xu1, James J. Moon1* (1. University of Michigan, USA; 2. China Pharmaceutical University, China)
1. 致病真菌:新靶点和诊疗策略
Pathogenic fungi: Novel targets and theranostic strategies
Review Article(综述文章)
1. 集成微针和传感策略用于诊断和监测应用:现状
Integrating microneedles and sensing strategies for diagnostic and monitoring applications: The state of the art
作者:Shihao Pei, Davide Brambilla* (Université de Montréal, Canada)
2. 多尺度工程化脑类器官用于疾病建模
Multiscale engineering of brain organoids for disease modeling
作者:Cong Xu, Kam W. Leong* (Columbia University, USA)
3. DNA和RNA疫苗的全面比较
A comprehensive comparison of DNA and RNA vaccines
作者:Chunxi Wang, Fan Yuan* (Duke University, USA)
4. 调节免疫系统以实现功能性慢性伤口愈合:生物材料和纳米医学的视角
Modulating the immune system towards a functional chronic wound healing: A biomaterials and Nanomedicine perspective
作者:Kevin Las Heras, Itxaso Garcia-Orue, Edorta Santos-Vizcaino*, Rosa Maria Hernandez* (University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), Spain)

四、药理学发展趋势 (2024年第45卷第7期)

July 2024 - Volume 45 - Issue 7(2024年7月第45卷第7期)

Forum (论坛)
1. 肽类库:从表位映射到深入的高通量分析
Peptide libraries: from epitope mapping to in-depth high-throughput analysis
作者:Debora Iaculli, Steven Ballet* (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
2. 小热休克蛋白修饰的靶向潜力
Potential for targeting small heat shock protein modifications
作者:Binyou Wang, Matthew R. Pratt* (University of Southern California, USA)
Opinions (观点)
1. 帕尔瓦尔布明中间神经元细胞-网络可塑性:机制与治疗途径
Parvalbumin interneuron cell-to-network plasticity: mechanisms and therapeutic avenues
作者:Michael D. Hadler* (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin Institute of Health, Germany)
2. 人造蛋白冠:指导纳米颗粒靶向
Artificial protein coronas: directing nanoparticles to targets
作者:Giulio Caracciolo* (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Reviews (综述)
1. 先天免疫性别二态性对MASLD发病机制和治疗的影响
Implications of innate immune sexual dimorphism for MASLD pathogenesis and treatment
作者:Richell Booijink, Ruchi Bansal* (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
2. 阿尔茨海默病的多靶点药物
Multi-target drugs for Alzheimer's disease
作者:Bengisu Turgutalp* (Columbia University, USA)
3. GPCR依赖性和非依赖性的β-抑制蛋白信号传导
GPCR-dependent and -independent arrestin signaling
作者:Vsevolod V. Gurevich* (Vanderbilt University, USA)
4. 靶向细胞外组蛋白以缓解急性和慢性炎症
Targeting extranuclear histones to alleviate acute and chronic inflammation
作者:Gerry A.F. Nicolaes* (University of Maastricht, The Netherlands)

五、药理学与治疗学 (2024年第259卷)

July 2024 - Volume 259 (2024年7月第259卷)

Review article(综述文章)
1. 疾病进展建模与时间重对齐:深化对慢性病认识的新兴方法
Disease progression modeling with temporal realignment: An emerging approach to deepen knowledge on chronic diseases
作者:Hideki Yoshioka, Akihiro Hisaka* (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Japan; Chiba University, Japan)
2. 利多卡因在癌症进展和患者生存中的作用
The role of lidocaine in cancer progression and patient survival
作者:Kohei Chida*, Hirofumi Kanazawa* (Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA; The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler School of Medicine, USA)
3. 主动脉瘤治疗中天然产物的治疗潜力及其作用靶点
Therapeutic potential of natural products and underlying targets for the treatment of aortic aneurysm
作者:Wenwen Zhao* (Qingdao University, China)
4. 罗氏蔷薇(Rosa roxburghii Tratt, RRT)的化学多样性、传统用途和生物活性:一项全面综述
Chemical diversity, traditional uses, and bioactivities of Rosa roxburghii Tratt: A comprehensive review
作者:Archana Jain, Surendra Sarsaiya, Jingshan Shi* ( Zunyi Medical University, China)
5. 川芎嗪及其对缺血再灌注损伤影响的研究进展的文献计量分析
Bibliometric analysis of research progress on tetramethylpyrazine and its effects on ischemia-reperfusion injury
作者:Mingzhu Qi, Xiangying Kong* (China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, China)
6. 改变的癌症代谢及其对下一代CAR T细胞疗法的影响
Altered cancer metabolism and implications for next-generation CAR T-cell therapies
作者:Rishab Ramapriyan* (Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA)
7. 肉毒杆菌神经毒素诱导的神经痛的神经生物学机制
Neurobiological mechanisms of botulinum neurotoxin-induced analgesia for neuropathic pain
作者:Ana Bagues, Man-Kyo Chung* (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Unidad Asociada I+D+i al Instituto de Química Médica (CSIC), Spain; University of Maryland Baltimore, USA)
8. ALDH2多态性与心肌梗死:从酒精代谢到氧化还原调节
ALDH2 polymorphism and myocardial infarction: From alcohol metabolism to redox regulation
作者:Reece J. Lamb, Melanie Madhani* (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
9. 内分泌FGFs轴:一种可能阻止肺纤维化的全身性抗纤维化反应?
The endocrine FGFs axis: A systemic anti-fibrotic response that could prevent pulmonary fibrogenesis?
作者:Mada Ghanem, Gabrielle Archer, Arnaud A. Mailleux* (Université Paris Cité, France)
10. m6A修饰与非编码RNA互调的最新进展及其在急性髓系白血病治疗中的应用
Recent advances in the reciprocal regulation of m6A modification with non-coding RNAs and its therapeutic application in acute myeloid leukemia
作者:Jiawang Yang, Feng Liang, Ning Gao* (Zunyi Medical University, China)

六、药物 (2024年第84卷第7期)

July 2024 - Volume 84 - Issue 7 (2024年7月第84卷第7期)


Current Opinion (当前观点)
1. 脊髓性肌肉萎缩症治疗选择:面向临床医生的实用方法
Treatment Options in Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A Pragmatic Approach for Clinicians
作者:Sithara Ramdas, Laurent Servais* (University of Oxford, UK)
Leading Article (重点文章)
1. 针对咳嗽受体的药物:难治性或不明原因慢性咳嗽的新治疗选择
Drugs Targeting Cough Receptors: New Therapeutic Options in Refractory or Unexplained Chronic Cough
作者:Laurent Guilleminault* (University Toulouse III, France)
Systematic Review (系统综述)
1. 肉毒素A治疗肌源性颞下颌关节紊乱的伞形综述:系统综述的综述
Botulinum Toxin-A for the Treatment of Myogenous Temporomandibular Disorders: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews
作者:Giancarlo De la Torre Canales, Nikolaos Christidis* (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)
Original Research Article (原创研究文章)
1. 口服ALZ-801/Valiltramiprosate对血浆生物标志物、大脑海马体积和认知的影响:APOE4携带者早期阿尔茨海默病2年单臂、开放标签、2期试验结果
Effects of Oral ALZ-801/Valiltramiprosate on Plasma Biomarkers, Brain Hippocampal Volume, and Cognition: Results of 2-Year Single-Arm, Open-Label, Phase 2 Trial in APOE4 Carriers with Early Alzheimer’s Disease
作者:John A. Hey* (Alzheon, Inc., USA)
2. 脑脊液、血浆β-淀粉样蛋白生物标志物与认知分析:使用定量系统药理学模型评估APOE4携带者早期阿尔茨海默病2年口服ALZ-801/Valiltramiprosate 2期试验
Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid, Plasma β-Amyloid Biomarkers, and Cognition from a 2-Year Phase 2 Trial Evaluating Oral ALZ-801/Valiltramiprosate in APOE4 Carriers with Early Alzheimer’s Disease Using Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Model
作者:John A. Hey (Alzheon, Inc., USA)
AdisInsight Report (AdisInsight报告)
1. Aprocitentan:首次获批
Aprocitentan: First Approval
作者:Sohita Dhillon* (Springer Nature, New Zealand)
2. Givinostat:首次获批
Givinostat: First Approval
作者:Yvette N. Lamb* (Springer Nature, New Zealand)
3. Sotatercept:首次获批
Sotatercept: First Approval
作者:Connie Kang* (Springer Nature, New Zealand)
4. Zastaprazan:首次获批
Zastaprazan: First Approval
作者:Hannah A. Blair* (Springer Nature, New Zealand)
5. Nogapendekin alfa Inbakicept:首次获批
Nogapendekin alfa Inbakicept: First Approval
作者:Susan J. Keam* (Springer Nature, New Zealand)

七、药理学研究 (2024年第205卷)

July 2024 - Volume 205(2024年7月第205卷)

Review Articles(综述文章)
1. 脂肪因子作为免疫炎症性风湿性疾病的潜在药理学靶点:重点关注类风湿关节炎、骨关节炎和椎间盘退行性变
Adipokines as potential pharmacological targets for immune inflammatory rheumatic diseases: Focus on rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and intervertebral disc degeneration
作者:Yousof Farrag, Oreste Gualillov* (Santiago University Clinical Hospital, Spain)
2. DNMT2/TRDMT1的生物学功能、分子途径及药物可开发性
Biological function molecular pathways and druggability of DNMT2/TRDMT1
作者:Huari Li* (Bengbu Medical University, China)
3. 幽门螺杆菌感染的胃癌中的微小RNA:功能与临床应用
MicroRNAs in Helicobacter pylori-infected gastric cancer: Function and clinical application
作者:Huimei Xu, Ke Huang, Xiaoying Wang*, Dekui Zhang* (Lanzhou University, China)
4. 靶向雄激素受体信号的PROTACs:去势抵抗性前列腺癌的潜在治疗剂
PROTACs targeting androgen receptor signaling: Potential therapeutic agents for castration-resistant prostate cancer
作者:Yulu Zhang1, Annan Ming1, Wenmin Chen2*, Zhiqing Fang1* (1. Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, China; 2. Gan & Lee Pharmaceuticals, China)
5. 调节脓毒症先天免疫反应的适配蛋白的新兴作用
The emerging role of adaptor proteins in regulating innate immunity of sepsis
作者:Qiaoyu Ying, Jiabing Rong, Zhaocai Zhang*, Yinchuan Xu* (The Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China)
6. 不同器官抗纤维化治疗的现状:一种系统性方法
The current landscape of antifibrotic therapy across different organs: A systematic approach
作者:Isabel Fuster-Martínez, Sara Calatayud* (Universitat de València, Spain)
7. 丝绸之路上的异国药用植物促进了中药的多样化
Exotic medicinal plants from the Silk Road promote the diversification of traditional Chinese medicines
作者:Feibiao Shan, Ruyu Yao* (Inner Mongolia Traditional Chinese & Mongolian Medical Research Institute, China; Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, China)
8. 内分泌干扰化学物质与非酒精性脂肪肝病的关联:系统综述和元分析
The association between endocrine disrupting chemicals and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis
作者:Kai Pan, Jie Yu* (Zunyi Medical University, China)
9. 血清素在抗肿瘤免疫中的双重作用
The dual roles of serotonin in antitumor immunity
作者:Yingru Zhang, Yan Wang* (Shuguang Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)
10. 褪黑激素:揭示其在眼部健康中的功能和意义
Melatonin: Unveiling the functions and implications in ocular health
作者:Ji Zhang, Yun Li*, Yedi Zhou* (The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, China)
11. 针对心肌梗死靶向中性粒细胞的新策略
Novel strategies for targeting neutrophil against myocardial infarction
作者:Kai Jiang, Yaozu Xiang* (Shanghai East Hospital, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Tongji University, China)
Research article(研究文章)
1. 中线蛋白1 (Mid1) 通过泛素依赖的翻译后修饰促进类风湿关节炎中的滑膜炎
Mid1 promotes synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis via ubiquitin-dependent post-translational modification
作者:Liman Lin, Jixin Zhong* (Tongji Hospital, China)
2. 多组学方法理解黄芪龙胆颗粒对缺血性中风治疗机制的研究
Multi-omics approaches for the understanding of therapeutic mechanism for Huang-Qi-Long-Dan Granule against ischemic stroke
作者:Chuanhong Wu, Chaoyong Wu, Jianxin Chen* (Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China)
3. NMDA受体GluN2B亚基酪氨酸残基的动态磷酸化调节介导氯胺酮的快速抗抑郁效应
Dynamic regulation of phosphorylation of NMDA receptor GluN2B subunit tyrosine residues mediates ketamine rapid antidepressant effects
作者:Ke Wang, Xuan Tan, Kai-Mo Ding, Su-Xia Li* (Peking University, China)
4. USP7通过稳定PGC1β促进糖尿病小鼠的心脏代谢紊乱和线粒体稳态失衡
USP7 promotes cardiometabolic disorders and mitochondrial homeostasis dysfunction in diabetic mice via stabilizing PGC1β
作者:Meiling Yan*, Liyan Su, Yunlong Bai* (Guangdong Metabolic Diseases Research Center of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, China)
5. PGC-1α缺失通过LDHB-乳酸轴促进对乙酰氨基酚诱导的肝损伤中的线粒体蛋白质乳酸化
PGC-1α loss promotes mitochondrial protein lactylation in acetaminophen-induced liver injury via the LDHB-lactate axis
作者:Weilong Hong, Chenyang Duan* (Chongqing Medical University, China)
6. 线粒体DNA变异和微生物群:一种实验策略,用于识别慢性炎症性疾病中的新型治疗潜力
Mitochondrial DNA variants and microbiota: An experimental strategy to identify novel therapeutic potential in chronic inflammatory diseases
作者:Michael Olbrich, Misa Hirose* (University of Lübeck, Germany)
7. 外泌体与肿瘤细胞间的粘附促进了ICAM1介导的外泌体包裹多柔比星的传递
Adhesion between EVs and tumor cells facilitated EV-encapsulated doxorubicin delivery via ICAM1
作者:Shibo Wang, Zhijian Cai* (Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China)
8. 甘薯中的3型抗性淀粉通过改变肠道微生物组降低轻度高脂血症患者的血脂水平:一项双盲随机对照试验
Type 3 resistant starch from Canna edulis reduce lipid levels in patients with mild hyperlipidemia through altering gut microbiome: A double- blind randomized controlled trial
作者:Tingting Miao, Xueyong Wang* (Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China)
9. 推进神经退行性疾病的个性化医疗:表观遗传学和药物表观遗传组学在药物治疗中的作用
Advancing personalized medicine in neurodegenerative diseases: The role of epigenetics and pharmacoepigenomics in pharmacotherapy
作者:Christian Griñán-Ferré* (Institut de Neurociències-Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
10. 发现针对CCR2的肽类药物治疗慢性疼痛
Discovery of a CCR2-targeting pepducin therapy for chronic pain
作者:Élora Midavaine* (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)
11. 源自海洋藻类的低聚糖通过关键靶标的丁酰化作用管理老年2型糖尿病
Marine algae-derived oligosaccharide via protein crotonylation of key targeting for management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the elderly
作者:Shuo Shan, Chao Zhao* (Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China)
12. 组蛋白甲基转移酶MLL4通过THBS4介导的内质网应激保护作用抵御压力超负荷诱导的心力衰竭
Histone methyltransferase MLL4 protects against pressure overload-induced heart failure via a THBS4-mediated protection in ER stress
作者:Xiang-Min Meng, Bing-Mei Zhu* (West China Hospital, Sichuan University, China)
13. 鉴定一种结合神经纤毛蛋白-1并激活血管修复反应和血管生成的骨桥蛋白衍生肽
Identification of an osteopontin-derived peptide that binds neuropilin-1 and activates vascular repair responses and angiogenesis
作者:Yihong Chen, Jan Nilsson* (Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University, Shanghai Cardiovascular Institute of Integrative Medicine, China; Lund University, Sweden)

八、抗病毒研究 (2024年第227卷)

July 2024 - Volume 226(2024年7月第227卷)

Short communication
1. SRX3177,一种CDK4/6-PI3K-BET抑制剂,与RdRp抑制剂Molnupiravir或进入抑制剂MU-UNMC-2联合使用,对SARS-CoV-2的Omicron变体具有强大的抗病毒活性。
SRX3177, a CDK4/6-PI3K-BET inhibitor, in combination with an RdRp inhibitor, Molnupiravir, or an entry inhibitor MU-UNMC-2, has potent antiviral activity against the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2
作者:Kabita Pandey, Arpan Acharya, Siddappa N. Byrareddy* (University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA)
Research Article
1. 一种新化合物,Phomaherbarine A,在EB病毒阳性的B细胞系中诱导细胞溶解性再激活
A new compound, phomaherbarine A, induces cytolytic reactivation in epstein-barr virus-positive B cell lines
作者:So-Eun Bae, Jin Won Choi, Sang Hee Shim*, Sung-Gyoo Park* (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
2. 发现巴洛沙韦钠作为新型抗CCHFV抑制剂:体外和体内生物评估
Discovery of baloxavir sodium as a novel anti-CCHFV inhibitor: Biological evaluation of in vitro and in vivo
作者:Kai Liu1, Liushuai Li2, Chun Guo1* (1. Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China; 2. Center for Biosafety Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
3. 定量HBeAg是接受聚乙二醇干扰素治疗患者中HBeAg丢失的强有力预测因子
Quantitative HBeAg is a strong predictor of HBeAg loss among patients receiving pegylated interferon
作者:Daniel Q. Huang, Liang Shen, Seng Gee Lim* (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Review Article
4. 治疗性抗体开发的新技术:治疗传染病的下一个前沿
New technologies in therapeutic antibody development: The next frontier for treating infectious diseases
作者:Sheila M. Keating* (GigaGen, Inc., USA)
Research article
5. SARS-CoV-2在人类H1299/ACE2细胞中的复制特性:一种多用途且实用的感染模型,用于抗病毒研究及其它领域
Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 replication in human H1299/ACE2 cells: A versatile and practical infection model for antiviral research and beyond
作者:Clarisse Salgado-Benvindo, Ali Tas, Jessika C. Zevenhoven-Dobbe, Martijn J. van Hemert* (Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands)
6. 三合一:一种通过狂犬病病毒载体表达异源串联RBD三聚体的有效且通用疫苗保护小鼠免受SARS-CoV-2侵害
Three in one: An effective and universal vaccine expressing heterologous tandem RBD trimer by rabies virus vector protects mice against SARS-CoV-2
作者:Jingbo Huang, Hualei Wang* (Jilin University, China)
Review article
7. 凝集素体作为抗病毒药物
Lectibodies as antivirals
作者:Ian Carlosalberto Santisteban Celis, Nobuyuki Matoba* (University of Louisville School of Medicine, USA)
Research aeticle
8. 巨细胞病毒UL44蛋白在小鼠中诱导强烈的T细胞免疫反应
Cytomegalovirus UL44 protein induces a potent T-cell immune response in mice
作者:Francisco J. Mancebo, Estéfani García-Ríos*, Pilar Pérez-Romero* (National Center for Microbiology, Spain; Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (IATA), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Spain; University of
Notre Dame, USA)
Review article
9. SARS-CoV-2的演变增加了对单克隆抗体和第一代COVID-19疫苗的抵抗力:可溶性ACE2受体在COVID-19治疗中是否有未来的角色?
SARS-CoV-2 evolution has increased resistance to monoclonal antibodies and first-generation COVID-19 vaccines: Is there a future therapeutic role for soluble ACE2 receptors for COVID-19?
作者:Rohan Ameratunga* (Auckland Hospital, New Zealand)
Research article
10. 利用设计的Fc结合同源寡聚体和SARS-CoV-2的RBD-Fc开发的纳米颗粒疫苗
Development of nanoparticle vaccines utilizing designed Fc-binding homo-oligomers and RBD-Fc of SARS-CoV-2
作者:Yucai Liang, Bowen Yu* (Shandong Second Medical University, China)
11. 硫鸟嘌呤抑制重症发热伴血小板减少综合征病毒通过抑制EGR1
6-Thioguanine inhibits severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus through suppression of EGR1
作者:Na Jiang, Yating He, Zhiwei Wu* (Nanjing University, China)
12. 2010年至2023年墨西哥分离的流感A型和B型病毒对抗流感药物的耐药性较低
Low antiviral resistance in Influenza A and B viruses isolated in Mexico from 2010 to 2023
作者:Diana A. Franco-May, Guadalupe Ayora-Talavera* (Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mexico)
Review article
13. 黄病毒NS1蛋白及其抗体复合体的结构生物学
Structural biology of flavivirus NS1 protein and its antibody complexes
作者:Bing Liang Alvin Chew* (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Research article
14. JNJ-7184是一种针对病毒聚合酶连接器域的呼吸道合胞病毒抑制剂
JNJ-7184, a respiratory syncytial virus inhibitor targeting the connector domain of the viral polymerase
作者:Brecht Bonneux, Florence Herschke* (University of Antwerp, Belgium; Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Belgium)
15. 甘草酸衍生物与氨基酸甲酯的结合物靶向主要蛋白酶,表现出对野生型和奈玛特雷韦耐药的SARS-CoV-2变体的抗病毒活性
Glycyrrhizic acid conjugates with amino acid methyl esters target the main protease, exhibiting antiviral activity against wild-type and nirmatrelvir-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants
作者:Uyen Nguyen Phuong Le, Cheng-Wen Lin* ( China Medical University, Taiwan, China)
Short communication
16. 索磷布韦和NITD008在肝外神经细胞中对戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)的表现
Performance of sofosbuvir and NITD008 in extrahepatic neuronal cells against HEV
作者:Michelle Jagst, Eike Steinmann* (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)

九、英国药理学杂志 (2024年第181卷第13-14期)

(一)July 2024 - Volume 181 - Issue 13(2024年7月第181卷第13期)

Research Articles (研究文章)
1. 棕榈酰化对抑郁样行为的调控:AKAP150在基底外侧杏仁核中的作用
Regulation of depressive-like behaviours by palmitoylation: Role of AKAP150 in the basolateral amygdala
作者:Si-Ying Wang, Zu-Cheng Shen* (Fujian Medical University, China)
2. 直接迷走神经刺激:通过α7烟碱乙酰胆碱受体控制过敏性气道炎症的新工具
Direct vagus nerve stimulation: A new tool to control allergic airway inflammation through α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
作者:Caroline Sévoz-Couche* (Sorbonne Université, France)
3. 暴露于金属-药物化学混合物中的小鼠体内氟喹诺酮和双氯芬酸的生物利用度。评估硒的保护作用。
Bioavailability of flumequine and diclofenac in mice exposed to a metal-drug chemical cocktail. Evaluation of the protective role of selenium.
作者:Noemí Aranda-Merino, Rut Fernández-Torres*, Miguel Ángel Bello-López* (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)
4. tiRNA-Gly-GCC-001在重度抑郁症中的研究:有希望的诊断和治疗生物标志物
tiRNA-Gly-GCC-001 in major depressive disorder: Promising diagnostic and therapeutic biomarker
作者:Haihua Tian, Chuang Wang* (Ningbo University, China)
5. 神经元烟碱乙酰胆碱受体钙离子增强作用的结构基础
Structural bases for stoichiometry-selective calcium potentiation of a neuronal nicotinic receptor
作者:Simone Mazzaferro, Steven M. Sine* (Mayo Clinic, USA)
6. R2R01:一种用于肾脏和心血管疾病的长效单链肽RXFP1激动剂
R2R01: A long-acting single-chain peptide agonist of RXFP1 for renal and cardiovascular diseases
作者:Bruno Poirier, Stephane Illiano* (Sanofi R&D, France)
7. 微管亲和性调节激酶在神经痛中的新作用
A novel role for microtubule affinity-regulating kinases in neuropathic pain
作者:Yao-Qin Shi, Jing-Wei Tian*, Chun-Mei Li* (Ministry of Education, Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Drug Delivery System and Biotech Drugs in Universities of Shandong, Yantai University, China)
8. 去岩藻糖化的抗CCR8抗体在耗竭肿瘤浸润性调节性T细胞(Tregs)的临床前和转化药理学研究
Preclinical and translational pharmacology of afucosylated anti-CCR8 antibody for depletion of tumour-infiltrating regulatory T cells
作者:Gautham Gampa* (Genentech, Inc., USA)
9. AMG487通过降低产生IFN-γ的淋巴细胞和IFN-γ浓度来缓解流感A型(H1N1)病毒引起的肺部炎症
AMG487 alleviates influenza A (H1N1) virus-induced pulmonary inflammation through decreasing IFN-γ-producing lymphocytes and IFN-γ concentrations
作者:Wenbin Ding, Zheng Deng* (The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, China)
10. 卡痛叶(Kratom)—通过表观遗传机制可以改善戒断行为和认知障碍
Mitragynine (Kratom)—Withdrawal behaviour and cognitive impairments can be ameliorated by an epigenetic mechanism
作者:Suleiman Yunusa, Zurina Hassan* (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)

(二)July 2024 - Volume 181 - Issue 14 (2024年7月第181卷第14期)

G蛋白偶联受体的治疗性靶向:来自澳大利亚和亚洲临床与实验药理学家和毒理学家学会2021年虚拟年度科学会议的热点话题 - 社论
1. 来自澳大利亚GPCR研究的亮点和热点话题
Highlights and hot topics in GPCR research from ‘Down Under’
作者:Nicola J. Smith* (UNSW Sydney, Australia)
1. 分子洞察与精神分裂症相关的孤儿G蛋白偶联受体
Molecular insights into orphan G protein-coupled receptors relevant to schizophrenia
作者:Yao Lu, Christopher J. Langmead*, Gregory D. Stewart* (Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University, Australia)
2. M1毒蕈碱受体正向别构调节剂在治疗神经认知缺陷中的机遇与挑战
Opportunities and challenges for the development of M1 muscarinic receptor positive allosteric modulators in the treatment for neurocognitive deficits
作者:Huong T. M. Nguyen, Celine Valant* (Monash University, Australia)
3. 腺苷系统在癫痫及其共病中的作用
The role of the adenosine system in epilepsy and its comorbidities
作者:Jo-Anne Baltos, Lauren T. May* (Monash University, Australia)
4. 单核苷酸变异编码G蛋白偶联受体中的错义突变可能有助于自闭症
Single nucleotide variations encoding missense mutations in G protein-coupled receptors may contribute to autism
作者:Emma T. van der Westhuizen* (Monash University, Australia)
5. 原纤毛、A激酶锚定蛋白和孤儿G蛋白偶联受体GPR161的组成型活性:关于一个尾部的故事
Primary cilia, A-kinase anchoring proteins and constitutive activity at the orphan G protein-coupled receptor GPR161: A tale about a tail
作者:Nicola J. Smith* (UNSW Sydney, Australia)
6. Mas相关G蛋白偶联受体在胃肠功能障碍和炎症性肠病中的作用:综述
Mas-related G protein-coupled receptors in gastrointestinal dysfunction and inflammatory bowel disease: A review
作者:Patrick Hawker, Lu Liu* (University of New South Wales, Australia)
7. RAMP和MRAP辅助蛋白对CB1、CB2、GPR18和GPR55大麻素受体的表达和信号传导具有选择性影响
RAMP and MRAP accessory proteins have selective effects on expression and signalling of the CB1, CB2, GPR18 and GPR55 cannabinoid receptors
作者:Nathaniel A. K. Glenn, Natasha L. Grimsey* (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
8. 胃肠道运动障碍治疗中别构调节剂的治疗潜力
Therapeutic potential of allosteric modulators for the treatment of gastrointestinal motility disorders
作者:Ayame Saito, Daniel P. Poole* (Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Australia)
9. 大麻素CB2受体同源物;体外功能及从临床前到临床转化的前景
Cannabinoid CB2 receptor orthologues; in vitro function and perspectives for preclinical to clinical translation
作者:Emma R. Carruthers, Natasha L. Grimsey* (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
10. 针对G蛋白偶联受体治疗心力衰竭
Targeting G protein-coupled receptors for heart failure treatment
作者:Bui San Thai, Lauren T. May* (Monash University, Australia)
11. 小分子甲酰肽受体偏向性激动剂,化合物17b,在小鼠精密切割肺片中是血管舒张剂和抗炎剂
The small-molecule formyl peptide receptor biased agonist, compound 17b, is a vasodilator and anti-inflammatory in mouse precision-cut lung slices
作者:William R. Studley, Cheng Xue Qin*, Jane E. Bourke* (Monash University, Australia)
12. 血管紧张素受体(类型1和2)与松弛素家族肽受体1(RXFP1)之间的功能交叉对话:对纤维化治疗靶向的启示
Functional crosstalk between angiotensin receptors (types 1 and 2) and relaxin family peptide receptor 1 (RXFP1): Implications for the therapeutic targeting of fibrosis
作者:Chrishan S. Samuel* (Monash University, Australia)
13. RGS蛋白在心血管代谢疾病中的作用
The roles of RGS proteins in cardiometabolic disease
作者:Samantha M. McNeill, Peishen Zhao* (Monash University, Australia)
14. M2毒蕈碱乙酰胆碱受体上新型配体分类中受体表达的重要性
Importance of receptor expression in the classification of novel ligands at the M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor
作者:Ye Jiang, David M. Thal* (Monash University, Australia)
15. 将目标蛋白降解技术应用于G蛋白偶联受体
The application of targeted protein degradation technologies to G protein-coupled receptors
作者:Alastair C. Keen* (Monash University, Australia)
16. 利用全局磷酸蛋白质组学解析G蛋白偶联受体信号网络
Unravelling G protein-coupled receptor signalling networks using global phosphoproteomics
作者:Rina Pokhrel, Martin J. Stone*, Simon R. Foster* (Monash University, Australia)
17. 人工智能在加速G蛋白偶联受体药物发现中的应用
The application of artificial intelligence to accelerate G protein-coupled receptor drug discovery
作者:Anh T. N. Nguyen, Lauren T. May*, Michelle L. Halls* (Monash University, Australia)

十、临床药代动力学 (2024年第63卷第7期)

MJuly 2024 -Volume 63 - Issue 7(2024年7月第63卷第7期)

Review Article(综述文章)
1. 多药联合用药中药物相互作用的药动学-药效学模型评估:发展与挑战
Pharmacokinetics–Pharmacodynamics Modeling for Evaluating Drug–Drug Interactions in Polypharmacy: Development and Challenges
作者:Di Zhao, Yu He* (Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, China)
2. 来特莫韦在异基因造血细胞移植中的临床药动学和药效学
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Letermovir in Allogenic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
作者:Kimitaka Suetsugu, Ichiro Ieiri* (Kyushu University Hospital, Japan)
Systematic Review(系统综述)
1. 成人皮下和肌间组织间液中抗生素渗透的Meta分析:微透析研究
Penetration of Antibiotics into Subcutaneous and Intramuscular Interstitial Fluid: A Meta-Analysis of Microdialysis Studies in Adults
作者:Pieter-Jan De Sutter* (Ghent University, Belgium)
Original Research Article(原创研究文章)
1. 儿童复发/难治性B细胞前体急性淋巴细胞性白血病中Inotuzumab Ozogamicin的群体药动学:ITCC-059研究结果
Population Pharmacokinetics of Inotuzumab Ozogamicin in Pediatric Relapsed/Refractory B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Results of Study ITCC-059
作者:Jen-Hao Wu, Edoardo Pennesi, C. Michel Zwaan* (Erasmus MC-Sophia Children’s Hospital Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
2. 依诺肝素钠在儿童群体中的群体药动学特征以指导剂量个体化
Characterizing Enoxaparin’s Population Pharmacokinetics to Guide Dose Individualization in the Pediatric Population
作者:Fernando O. Carreño, Daniel Gonzalez* (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA; Duke Clinical Research Institute, USA)
3. 两种不同规格的Somapacitan的生物利用度和类胰岛素生长因子-I释放的比较:一项随机、双盲交叉试验
Investigating the Bioavailability and Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Release of Two Different Strengths of Somapacitan: A Randomised, Double-Blind Crossover Trial
作者:Sarah Louise Dombernowsky, Michael Højby Rasmussen* ( Novo Nordisk A/S, Denmark)
4. 根据血浆暴露量对阿比特龙进行个体化剂量递增治疗转移性去势抵抗性前列腺癌:OPTIMABI试验结果
Intra-individual Dose Escalation of Abiraterone According to Its Plasma Exposure in Patients with Progressive Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: Results of the OPTIMABI Trial
作者:Jérôme Alexandre, Benoit Blanchet* (Université Paris Cité, Institut du Cancer Paris CARPEM, France; Institut du Cancer Paris CARPEM, France)
5. 三氟尿苷/替匹啶与甲硝唑、二甲双胍的OCT2/MATE1相互作用:一项交叉药动学研究
The OCT2/MATE1 Interaction Between Trifluridine, Metformin and Cimetidine: A Crossover Pharmacokinetic Study
作者:Niels A. D. Guchelaar* (Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, The Netherlands)
6. 评估在真实世界软组织肉瘤队列中对帕唑帕尼进行治疗药物监测的临床影响和可行性
Evaluating the Clinical Impact and Feasibility of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Pazopanib in a Real-World Soft-Tissue Sarcoma Cohort
作者:Marinda Meertens1, Eline L. Giraud2, Neeltje Steeghs1* (1. The Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands; 2. Radboud University Medical Centre, The Netherlands)
7. 结核病异烟肼剂量个体化的机器学习方法
Machine Learning Approach in Dosage Individualization of Isoniazid for Tuberculosis作者:Bo-Hao Tang, Xin-Fang Zhang, Wei Zhao* (Cheeloo College of Medicine, Shandong University, China)
