July/August 2024 - Volume 74 - Issue 4(2024年7/8月第74卷第4期)
1. 结肠癌血液检测对普通风险人群有效
Colon cancer blood test effective for average-risk population
Mike Fillon
2. 人工智能在癌症护理中部署面临的主要问题
Key issues face AI deployment in cancer care
Mike Fillon
1. 年轻成人转移性肾细胞癌的减瘤手术、系统治疗、基因评估和患者视角Cytoreductive surgery, systemic treatment, genetic evaluation, and patient perspective in a young adult with metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Edouard H. Nicaise, Viraj A. Master (Emory University School of Medicine, USA)
1. 多癌种检测测试:我们知道什么,我们不知道什么
Multicancer detection tests: What we know and what we don’t know
Sam M. Hanash* (The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA)
1. 工作年龄成人的癌症诊断和治疗:对美国就业、健康保险覆盖和财务困难的影响
Cancer diagnosis and treatment in working-age adults: Implications for employment, health insurance coverage, and financial hardship in the United States
K. Robin Yabroff* (American Cancer Society, USA)
2. 神经内分泌肿瘤的重要更新:第9版美国癌症联合委员会胃肠道胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤分期系统
Critical updates in neuroendocrine tumors: Version 9 American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system for gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Aman Chauhan, Chanjuan Shi* (University of Miami Health System, USA; Duke University Medical Center, USA)
1. 使用多癌种检测测试进行癌症筛查:转化科学综述
Cancer screening with multicancer detection tests: A translational science review
Wendy S. Rubinstein* (US National Cancer Institute, USA)
2. 国家癌症研究所指定癌症中心社区外展和参与的演变,一段不断发展的旅程
Evolution of community outreach and engagement at National Cancer Institute-Designated Cancer Centers, an evolving journey
Sarah A. Pohl* (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA)
(一)03 August 2024 - Volume 404 - Issue 10451(2024年8月3日第404卷第10451期)
1. 必须停止医疗化的割礼
Medicalised female genital mutilation must stop
The Lancet
2. 宫颈癌症预防策略的合理设计
The rational design of cervical cancer prevention strategies
Mark Schiffman* (National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA)
3. 特应性皮炎的新治疗方法
A novel treatment approach for atopic dermatitis
Patrick M Brunner* (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA)
4. 实践操作:治疗慢性手部湿疹的新型JAK抑制剂
Hands-on: a novel JAK inhibitor for the treatment of chronic hand eczema
Yael Renert-Yuval* (Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel, Israel)
5. 重新定位体力活动研究议程以促进人群健康、公平和福祉
Realigning the physical activity research agenda for population health, equity, and wellbeing
Ding Ding* (The University of Sydney, Australia)
6. 炎性肠病无国界:与患者合作提供全球、公平和全面的医疗保健
Inflammatory bowel disease has no borders: engaging patients as partners to deliver global, equitable and holistic health care
Christopher A Lamb* (Newcastle University, UK)
7. 俄罗斯袭击影响母婴健康
Russian attacks impacting maternal and child health
Ed Holt
8. 了解大流行风险:WHO大流行中心
Understanding pandemic risks: the WHO Pandemic Hub
Udani Samarasekera
9. Janine Mohamed:倡导原住民健康
Janine Mohamed: championing Indigenous health
Aarathi Prasad
10. 用表观遗传时钟数字化衰老过程
Digitising the ageing process with epigenetic clocks
Steve Horvath, Eric J Topol
11. 审查大型饮料公司
Scrutinising Big Soda
Sarah Boseley
Evelyn Fox Keller
Andrew Green
12. 全球范围内将人类乳头瘤病毒基因型归因于侵袭性宫颈癌的因果关系:全球文献的系统分析
Causal attribution of human papillomavirus genotypes to invasive cervical cancer worldwide: a systematic analysis of the global literature
Feixue Wei, Gary M Clifford* (International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC/WHO), France)
13. Nemolizumab联合外用治疗青少年和成人中度至重度特应性皮炎(ARCADIA 1和ARCADIA 2):两项复制、双盲、随机对照3期试验结果
Nemolizumab with concomitant topical therapy in adolescents and adults with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (ARCADIA 1 and ARCADIA 2): results from two replicate, double-blind, randomised controlled phase 3 trials
Jonathan I Silverberg, Christophe Piketty* (George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, USA; Galderma, Switzerland)
14. Delgocitinib乳膏治疗成人中度至重度慢性手部湿疹(DELTA 1和DELTA 2)的疗效和安全性:多中心、随机、对照、双盲、3期试验结果
Efficacy and safety of delgocitinib cream in adults with moderate to severe chronic hand eczema (DELTA 1 and DELTA 2): results from multicentre, randomised, controlled, double-blind, phase 3 trials
Robert Bissonnette* (Innovaderm Research, Canada)
15. 咳嗽晕厥和复发性呼吸道乳头状瘤病
Cough syncope and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
Christine Kim* (University of Rochester, USA)
16. 肾细胞癌
Renal cell carcinoma
Matthew Young, Bernadett Szabados (Queen Mary University of London, UK )
17. 区分个别婴儿和儿童的死亡风险以提高生存率:影响的机会
Differentiating mortality risk of individual infants and children to improve survival: opportunity for impact
James A Berkley, Nigel Rollins (Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya; WHO, Switzerland)
(二)10 August 2024 - Volume 404 - Issue 10452(2024年8月10日第404卷第10452期)
1. 2024年奥运会:终结健康伪善
The 2024 Olympic Games: end the health hypocrisy
The Lancet
2. 分子引导治疗:未知原发部位癌症管理中改变实践的一步
Molecular guided therapies: a practice-changing step forward in cancer of unknown primary management
Elie Rassy* (Gustave Roussy, France)
3. 干燥综合征:临床试验的新时代?
Sjögren's disease: a new era for clinical trials?
Serena Colafrancesco* (Humanitas University, Italy)
4. 全球活动限制和辅助设备使用的差异
Global disparities in activity limitations and use of assistive devices
Ekaterina Zotcheva, Ellen Melbye Langballe* (Norwegian National Centre for Ageing and Health, Vestfold Hospital Trust, Norway)
5. 降低痴呆风险的科学关键点
Pivotal points in the science of dementia risk reduction
Miia Kivipelto* (Care Sciences, and Society, Sweden)
6. 澳大利亚禁止娱乐性电子烟——政策失败还是杰作?
Recreational vaping ban in Australia—policy failure or masterstroke?
Emily Stone* (St Vincent's Hospital Sydney, Australia)
7. 关于5岁以下儿童死亡率的严酷事实:呼吁全球紧急行动
Hard truths about under-5 mortality: call for urgent global action
João Pedro Azevedo, Danzhen You (UNICEF, USA)
8. 要求奥运会结束有害的可口可乐赞助
Calls for the Olympics to end harmful Coca-Cola sponsorship
Paul Webster
9. 委内瑞拉动乱加剧健康服务恶化
Venezuela disorder worsening health services
Joe Parkin Daniels
10. 青春期的巨大转变
The great puberty shift
Sophie Cousins
11. Rochelle Burgess:在全球精神健康中打破现状
Rochelle Burgess: disrupting the status quo in global mental health
Rachael Davies
12. 美国堕胎权的丧失:历史和影响
The loss of abortion rights in the USA: the history and impacts
Michele Heisler
13. 为重新野化医学和健康人文而作的诗歌
Poetry for rewilding the medical and health humanities
Luz Mar González-Arias,Kelley Swain
14. John Malcolm Harrington
Geoff Watts
15. 分子引导治疗与化疗在控制不利的未知原发部位癌症后的比较(CUPISCO):一项开放标签、随机、2期研究
Molecularly guided therapy versus chemotherapy after disease control in unfavourable cancer of unknown primary (CUPISCO): an open-label, randomised, phase 2 study
Alwin Krämer* (German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany)
16. 皮下注射Iscalimab(CFZ533)在两个不同干燥综合征患者群体中的安全性和有效性(TWINSS):随机、双盲、安慰剂对照、2b期剂量范围研究的24周结果
Safety and efficacy of subcutaneous iscalimab (CFZ533) in two distinct populations of patients with Sjögren's disease (TWINSS): week 24 results of a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2b dose-ranging study
Benjamin A Fisher, Wolfgang Hueber* (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, UK; Novartis Pharma, Switzerland)
17. 25个高收入、中等收入和低收入国家的活动限制、辅助设备使用以及死亡率和临床事件:PURE研究的分析
Activity limitations, use of assistive devices, and mortality and clinical events in 25 high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: an analysis of the PURE study
Raed A Joundi* (McMaster University, Canada)
18. 维持血液透析的糖尿病患者慢性代谢性酸中毒:注意阴离子间隙
Chronic metabolic acidosis in a patient with diabetes on maintenance haemodialysis: mind the anion gap
Renata Marecek* (Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Switzerland)
19. 痴呆症预防、干预和护理:2024年《柳叶刀》常设委员会报告
Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2024 report of the Lancet standing Commission
Gill Livingston* (University College London, UK)
(三)17 August 2024 - Volume 404 - Issue 10453(2024年8月17日第404卷第10453期)
1. 卡玛拉·哈里斯的健康优先事项
Health priorities for Kamala Harris
The Lancet
2. 危重疾病期间的蛋白质供应
Protein provision during critical illness
Christian Stoppe* (University Hospital Würzburg, Germany)
3. 扩展器官保存的边界:心脏移植的希望
Extending the boundaries of organ preservation: hope for heart transplantation
Michelle M Kittleson* (Smidt Heart Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA)
4. Emodepside对抗钩虫
Emodepside against hookworm
Dora Buonfrate* (IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria hospital, Italy)
5. 持续的人口口腔健康之战
The ongoing fight for population oral health
Carol C Guarnizo-Herreño* (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia)
6. 2030年后的HIV应对:为东部和南部非洲数十年持续的HIV流行控制做准备
The HIV response beyond 2030: preparing for decades of sustained HIV epidemic control in eastern and southern Africa
The Post-2030 HIV Response Working Group
7. 低焦油香烟市场营销推动中国销量激增
Low tar cigarette marketing driving a boom in sales in China
Jason McLure, Jude Chan
8. Mandy Cohen:公共卫生倡导者和美国CDC主任
Mandy Cohen: public health advocate and Director of the US CDC
Susan Jaffe
9. 解决医疗实践中的沉默问题
Solutions to the medical practice of silencing
Annabel Sowemimo
10. 坦诚与关怀
Candour and care
Gabriel Weston
11. John Stephenson
Geoff Watts
12. 高与标准蛋白质供应对危重疾病患者功能恢复的影响(PRECISe):一项在比利时和荷兰进行的研究者发起的、双盲、多中心、平行组、随机对照试验
Effect of high versus standard protein provision on functional recovery in people with critical illness (PRECISe): an investigator-initiated, double-blinded, multicentre, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial in Belgium and the Netherlands
Julia L M Bels, Marcel C G van de Poll* (Maastricht University Medical Center, Netherlands)
13. 心脏移植中供体心脏的低温氧合灌注:一项随机、对照、开放标签、多中心临床试验的短期结果
Hypothermic oxygenated perfusion of the donor heart in heart transplantation: the short-term outcome from a randomised, controlled, open-label, multicentre clinical trial
Filip Rega* (University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium)
14. Emodepside与阿苯达唑在坦桑尼亚Pemba岛青少年和成人钩虫感染中的疗效和安全性比较:一项双盲、优效性、2b期、随机对照试验
Efficacy and safety of emodepside compared with albendazole in adolescents and adults with hookworm infection in Pemba Island, Tanzania: a double-blind, superiority, phase 2b, randomised controlled trial
Lyndsay Taylor, Jennifer Keiser* (Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland)
15. 横纹肌瘤的纤维脂肪退化:一例可能患有结节性硬化症的患者的心脏MRI纵向系列研究
Fibrofatty involution of rhabdomyomas: a longitudinal series of cardiac MRI studies in a patient with possible tuberous sclerosis complex
Joana Ferreira* (Hospital de São Bernardo, Portugal)
16. 慢性淋巴细胞性白血病
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Nitin Jain, Susan O'Brien* (The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA; University of California Irvine Medical Center, USA)
17. 长期COVID:临床更新
Long COVID: a clinical update
Trisha Greenhalgh* (Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, UK)
(四)24 August 2024 - Volume 404 - Issue 10454(2024年8月24日第404卷第10454期)
1. 猴痘:需要协调一致的国际应对
Mpox: the need for a coordinated international responseThe Lancet
2. 流感的抗病毒治疗和预防
Antiviral treatment and prophylaxis for influenza
David S C Hui* (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China)
3. 心力衰竭中的GLP-1受体激动剂
GLP-1 receptor agonists in heart failure
Muthiah Vaduganathan* (Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA)
4. 猴痘紧急情况和全球疫苗免疫联盟(Gavi)的角色
The mpox emergency and the role of Gavi
Sania Nishtar* (Gavi, Switzerland)
5. 多重危机,一个行动号召:在多重危机中推进性别平等
Many crises, one call to action: advancing gender equality in health in response to polycrises
Rajat Khosla, Johanna Riha* (WHO, Geneva, Switzerland; United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH), Malaysia)
6. 格拉斯哥昏迷评分50年:回顾与展望
The Glasgow Coma Scale at 50: looking back and forward
Geoffrey T Manley* (University of California San Francisco, USA)
7. 世卫组织非洲区域主任候选人面临多重挑战
Many challenges for WHO-AFRO regional director candidates
John Zarocostas
8. 巴西城市哀悼在飞机失事中丧生的医生
Brazilian city mourns doctors killed in plane crash
Lise Alves
9. 印度医生被强奸谋杀引发愤怒
Rape and murder of doctor sparks outrage in India
Dinesh C Sharma
10. 猴痘被宣布为公共卫生紧急情况
Mpox declared a public health emergency
Paul Adepoju
11. Alaa Murabit:妇女和儿童健康坚定的倡导者
Alaa Murabit: resolute advocate for women's and children's health
Udani Samarasekera
12. 种族主义和卫生系统
Racism and the health system
Mita Huq* (University College London, UK)
13. 疑病症,医学盛宴中的幽灵
Hypochondria, the ghost at medicine's feast
Catherine Belling* (Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, USA)
14. Phyllis Dako-Gyeke
Andrew Green
15. 严重流感的抗病毒治疗:随机对照试验的系统评价和网络Meta分析
Antivirals for treatment of severe influenza: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Ya Gao, Qiukui Hao* (Lanzhou University, China; McMaster University, Canada)
16. 流感暴露后预防的抗病毒治疗:系统评价和网络Meta分析
Antivirals for post-exposure prophylaxis of influenza: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Yunli Zhao, Qiukui Hao* (The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, China; McMaster University, Canada)
17. 肥胖和心力衰竭患者中Semaglutide与心血管结果:SELECT试验的预先指定分析
Semaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with obesity and prevalent heart failure: a prespecified analysis of the SELECT trial
John Deanfield* (University College London, UK)
18. 通过CCTV获得的宝贵见解诊断前庭下降发作
Vestibular drop attacks diagnosed with valuable insights from CCTV
Lucia Joffily* (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
19. 急性肝衰竭
Acute liver failure
Rakhi Maiwall* (Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, India)
20. 晚期非小细胞肺癌治疗的新希望和挑战
New promises and challenges in the treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer
May-Lucie Meyer, Fred R Hirsch* (Mount Sinai Health System, USA)
(五)31 August 2024 - Volume 404 - Issue 10455(2024年8月31日第404卷第10455期)
1. 中国提高退休年龄的健康考量
Health considerations for increasing retirement age in China
The Lancet
2. 接受BMI和中心性肥胖的双重性
Embracing the duality of BMI and central adiposity
Khurram Nasir* (DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Center for Cardiovascular Computational and Precision Health, and Center for Health Data Science and Analytics, USA)
3. 扩大获取、减轻负担、改善以人为中心的堕胎护理
Expanding access, reducing burdens, and improving person-centred care in abortion
Heidi Moseson* (Ibis Reproductive Health, USA)
4. 在转化医学中整合患者和公众的参与和参与
Integrating patient and public involvement and engagement in translational medicine
Karen L Shaw, Olalekan Lee Aiyegbusi (University of Birmingham, UK)
5. 通过亲身经历转变人道主义援助
Transforming humanitarian aid through lived experience
Kemish Kenneth Alier* (ohns Hopkins University, Center for Humanitarian Health, USA)
6. 《柳叶刀》-JACC合作:推进心血管健康
The Lancet–JACC collaboration: advancing cardiovascular health
Harlan M Krumholz, Chloe Wilson* (Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), USA; The Lancet, UK)
7. 猴痘考验全球疫苗免疫联盟(Gavi)的新大流行基金
Mpox puts Gavi's new pandemic fund to the test
Ann Danaiya Usher
8. 呼吁加沙停火以应对脊髓灰质炎病毒
Calls for Gaza ceasefire to tackle poliovirus
Sharmila Devi
9. 尼加拉瓜禁止超过1650个非政府组织
Nicaragua bans more than 1650 NGOs
Sharmila Devi
10. Beverly Malone:在护理中重视多样性
Beverly Malone: valuing diversity in nursing
Aarathi Prasad
11. 通过后COVID-19状况重新构想疾病:迫切需要跨学科的健康研究
Reimagining illness through post-COVID-19 condition: the need for radically interdisciplinary health research
Jane Macnaughton* (Durham University, UK)
12. Virgil Craig Jordan
Geoff Watts
13. 一般和腹部肥胖与八个世界地区的高血压:一项对837项基于人群的研究进行的汇总分析,共有750万参与者
General and abdominal adiposity and hypertension in eight world regions: a pooled analysis of 837 population-based studies with 7·5 million participants
NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)
14. 在瑞典,医学堕胎12-22孕周期间在家或医院首次使用米索前列醇(PRIMA):一项多中心、开放标签、随机对照试验
First dose of misoprostol administration at home or in hospital for medical abortion between 12–22 gestational weeks in Sweden (PRIMA): a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial
Johanna Rydelius* (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
15. 2023-24年军事袭击加沙地带期间,通过全球远程医疗倡议支持创伤护理:病例系列
Trauma care supported through a global telemedicine initiative during the 2023–24 military assault on the Gaza Strip, occupied Palestinian territory: a case series
Khaled Alser, Osaid Alser* (Nasser Hospital, occupied Palestinian territory, Islamic University of Gaza, occupied Palestinian territory)
16. 唐氏综合症患者多发性脑出血和广泛脑微出血:脑淀粉样血管病变
Multiple intracerebral haemorrhages and ubiquitous brain microbleeds in a patient with Down syndrome: cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Ignacio Casado-Naranjo* (Hospital Universitario de Cáceres, Spain)
17. X连锁低磷酸盐血症
X-linked hypophosphataemia
Peter Kamenický* (Université Paris-Saclay, France)
18. GLP-1受体激动剂的国际覆盖范围:对不一致方法的审查和伦理分析
International coverage of GLP-1 receptor agonists: a review and ethical analysis of discordant approaches
Johan L Dellgren, Ezekiel J Emanuel* (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
(一)1 August 2024 - Volume 391 - No 5(2024年8月1日第391卷第5期)
1. 在医学和期刊中承认历史不公正:对性与性别少数群体的残酷遗产
Recognizing Historical Injustices in Medicine and the Journal: A Legacy of Cruelty to Sexual and Gender Minority Groups
Jessica Halem, Carl G. Streed* (University of Pennsylvania, USA; Boston Medical Center, USA)
2. 治疗意向:基于种族的诊断,第3部分 — ITT系列第35集
Intention to Treat: Race-Based Diagnosis, Part 3 — ITT Episode 35
3. Belantamab Mafodotin、Bortezomib和Dexamethasone用于治疗多发性骨髓瘤
Belantamab Mafodotin, Bortezomib, and Dexamethasone for Multiple Myeloma
Vania Hungria, María-Victoria Mateos* (Clinica São Germano, USA; Hospital Universitario de Salamanca, Spain)
4. Belantamab Mafodotin、Pomalidomide和Dexamethasone治疗多发性骨髓瘤
Belantamab Mafodotin, Pomalidomide, and Dexamethasone in Multiple Myeloma
Meletios Athanasios Dimopoulos* (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
5. 靶向足细胞病变中Nephrin的自身抗体
Autoantibodies Targeting Nephrin in Podocytopathies
Felicitas E. Hengel, Nicola M. Tomas*, Tobias B. Huber* (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany)
6. 简短报告:针对炎症性肠病中白细胞介素-10的中和自身抗体
Brief Report: Neutralizing Autoantibodies against Interleukin-10 in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Helen Griffin, Sophie Hambleton* (Newcastle University Translational and Clinical Research Institute, UK)
7. 帕金森病
Parkinson’s Disease
Caroline M. Tanner* (University of California, USA)
8. 播散性球孢子菌病
Disseminated Coccidioidomycosis
Atif S. Siddiqui* (Houston Methodist Hospital; USA)
9. 盖莱齐骨折
Galeazzi Fracture
Wenhai Yan* (Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)
10. 乳房植入物胸腔内移位
Intrathoracic Migration of a Breast Implant
Dane Stewart* (University of Kansas School of Medicine, USA)
11. 进入兔子洞
Going Down the Rabbit Hole
Kendall J. Burdick* (Boston Children’s Hospital, USA)
12. 多发性骨髓瘤治疗中Belantamab Mafodotin的复兴
A Belantamab Mafodotin Revival in Multiple Myeloma Therapy
Suzanne Trudel and A. Keith Stewart (Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Canada)
13. 研究背后的科学:肾脏疾病和抗Nephrin抗体
Science behind the Study: Kidney Disease and Antinephrin Antibodies
Jochen Reiser* (University of Texas Medical Branch, USA)
14. 在公共卫生伦理显微镜下的基于种族的筛查 — 前列腺癌案例
Race-Based Screening under the Public Health Ethics Microscope — The Case of Prostate Cancer
Camilo Arenas-Gallo (University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, USA)
(二)8 August 2024 - Volume 391 - No 6(2024年8月8日第391卷第6期)
1. 再次经历 —— 拒绝吸取Covid-19的教训
Déjà Vu All Over Again — Refusing to Learn the Lessons of Covid-19
Michael S. Sinha, Gregg S. Gonsalves* (St. Louis University School of Law, USA; Yale School of Public Health, USA)
2. 为下一次大流行做准备 —— 扩大和协调全球监管能力
Preparing for the Next Pandemic — Expanding and Coordinating Global Regulatory Capacity
Sam Halabi (Georgetown University Law Center, USA)
3. 集体创伤和纪念 —— 请默哀片刻
Collective Trauma and Commemoration — A Moment of Silence, Please
George J. Makari and Richard A. Friedman (Weill Medical College of Cornell University, USA)
4. 家族病史:未知
Family History: Unknown
Annie R. Abruzzo (Harvard Medical School, USA)
5. 儿童先天性肾上腺增生症的Crinecerfont第3期试验
Phase 3 Trial of Crinecerfont in Pediatric Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Kyriakie Sarafoglou* (University of Minnesota Medical School, USA)
6. 成人先天性肾上腺增生症的Crinecerfont第3期试验
Phase 3 Trial of Crinecerfont in Adult Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Richard J. Auchus* (University of Michigan Medical School, USA)
7. SARS-CoV-2感染后急性后遗症在前Delta、Delta和Omicron时代
Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Pre-Delta, Delta, and Omicron Eras
Yan Xie, Ziyad Al-Aly* (Clinical Epidemiology Center, USA; Veterans Affairs Medical Center, USA)
8. Nipocalimab在早发重症胎儿和新生儿溶血病中的应用
Nipocalimab in Early-Onset Severe Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn
Kenneth J. Moise* (Comprehensive Fetal Care Center, Dell Children’s Medical Center, USA)
9. 老年人群中的衰弱
Frailty in Older Adults
Dae Hyun Kim* (Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research, Hebrew SeniorLife, USA)
10. 剑痕
En Coup de Sabre
Sophie Diong and Bairbre Wynne (St. James’s Hospital, Ireland)
11. 伴有海绵窦血栓形成的Lemierre综合征
Lemierre’s Syndrome Complicated by Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
Matthew J. Heron and Francis Deng (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA)
12. 病例24-2024:一位30岁产后焦虑和侵入性思维的女性
Case 24-2024: A 30-Year-Old Woman with Postpartum Anxiety and Intrusive Thoughts
Samantha Meltzer-Brody (University of North Carolina School of Medicine, USA)
13. CAHtalyzing先天性肾上腺增生症的变革
CAHtalyzing Change in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Wiebke Arlt (Imperial College London, UK)
14. 病毒变种、疫苗接种和长期Covid —— 新见解
Viral Variants, Vaccinations, and Long Covid — New Insights
Clifford J. Rosen (MaineHealth Institute for Research, UK)
15. 研究背后的科学:抑制IgG在胎儿溶血病中的应用
Science behind the Study: Inhibiting IgG in Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus
E. Maisonneuve (Institute of Primary Health Care, Switzerland)
(三)15 August 2024 - Volume 391 - No 7(2024年8月15日第391卷第7期)
1. 医学伦理基础:医学专长 —— 平衡科学、价值观和信任
Fundamentals of Medical Ethics: Medical Expertise — Balancing Science, Values, and Trust
Barron H. Lerner (New York University Grossman School of Medicine, USA)
2. 性别认同和性取向(SOGI)数据收集 —— 谨慎进行
SOGI Data Collection — Proceeding, but with Caution
Carey Candrian (University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA)
3. 追求波点
In Pursuit of Polka Dots
Charlotte Hayes (Mayo Clinic, USA)
4. Ⅲ期EGFR突变NSCLC的同步放化疗后的Osimertinib治疗
Osimertinib after Chemoradiotherapy in Stage III EGFR-Mutated NSCLC
Shun Lu, Suresh S. Ramalingam* (Shanghai Chest Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; Emory University School of Medicine, Winship Cancer Institute, USA)
5. 意识障碍中的认知运动解离
Cognitive Motor Dissociation in Disorders of Consciousness
Yelena G. Bodien, Nicholas D. Schiff* (Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, USA; Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute, USA)
6. 精确快速校准的语言神经假体
An Accurate and Rapidly Calibrating Speech Neuroprosthesis
Nicholas S. Card* (University of California, USA)
7. 简短报告:肌萎缩侧索硬化症脑-机接口的寿命
Brief Report: Longevity of a Brain–Computer Interface for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Mariska J. Vansteensel* (University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands)
8. 慢性肾病的遗传学
Genetics of Chronic Kidney Disease
Asaf Vivante* (Edmond and Lily Safra Children’s Hospital, Israel)
9. 淀粉样变AL
AL Amyloidosis
M. Mansilla Polo and M. Llavador-Ros
10. 生殖器带状疱疹
Genital Herpes Zoster
C. Bao and C. Ji
11. 病例25-2024:一位12岁自闭症伴视力下降的男孩
Case 25-2024: A 12-Year-Old Boy with Autism and Decreased Vision
Eric D. Gaier (Boston Children’s Hospital, USA)
12. Ⅲ期EGFR突变NSCLC的Osimertinib治疗 —— 游戏,设定,匹配
Osimertinib in Stage III EGFR-Mutated NSCLC — Game, Set, Match
Natasha B. Leighl (Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and the University of Toronto, Canada)
13. 研究背后的科学:脑-机接口恢复沟通
Science behind the Study: Brain–Computer Interfaces for Restoring Communication
Edward F. Chang (University of California, USA)
14. 2024年1月至6月《期刊》审稿人
Reviewers for the Journal, January–June 2024
Eric J. Rubin
(四)22/29 August 2024 - Volume 3901- No 8(2024年8月22/29日第391卷第8期)
1. 追求公平:转变枪支暴力的叙述
Efforts toward Equity: Transforming Narratives of Gun Violence
Peter T. Masiakos (Massachusetts General Hospital, USA)
2. 追求公平:多层次导师模型 —— 促进包容性的卫生职业路径
Efforts toward Equity: A Multitiered Mentorship Model — Fostering Inclusive Pathways to Health Careers
José A. Caro (University School of Medicine, USA)
3. 追求公平:公平的桌面要求 —— 基于州的市场消费者人口统计数据
Efforts toward Equity: Table Stakes for Equity — Consumer Demographic Data at a State-Based Marketplace
S. Monica Soni and Jessica Altman (Covered California, USA)
4. 追求公平:以城市农场为锚的农产品处方计划 —— 食物作为药物和经济正义
Efforts toward Equity: An Urban Farm–Anchored Produce Prescription Program — Food as Medicine and Economic Justice
Kaitlyn M. Fruin (University of California, USA)
5. 追求公平:与资源不足社区合作的学术医疗中心-公共卫生合作伙伴关系
Efforts toward Equity: Academic Medical Center–Public Health Partnerships for Outbreak Response — Collaborating with Underresourced Communities
Elizabeth Davis (Rush University System for Health, USA)
6. 预防和控制全球抗菌药物耐药性 —— 实施全系统方法
Preventing and Controlling Global Antimicrobial Resistance — Implementing a Whole-System Approach
Don Goldmann (Duke University, USA)
7. 静脉氨基酸对肾脏保护的随机试验
A Randomized Trial of Intravenous Amino Acids for Kidney Protection
Giovanni Landoni* (IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy)
8. 阿奇霉素降低死亡率 —— 一项自适应群集随机试验
Azithromycin to Reduce Mortality — An Adaptive Cluster-Randomized Trial
Kieran S. O’Brien, Thomas M. Lietman* (Francis I. Proctor Foundation, Niger)
9. Belzutifan与依维莫司治疗晚期肾细胞癌
Belzutifan versus Everolimus for Advanced Renal-Cell Carcinoma
Toni K. Choueiri* (Dana–Farber Cancer Institute, USA)
10. 创伤性脑损伤患者的开放性或限制性输血策略
Liberal or Restrictive Transfusion Strategy in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury
Alexis F. Turgeon* (CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center, Population Health and Optimal Practices, Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus, Canada)
11. 女性性功能障碍
Sexual Dysfunction in Women
Susan R. Davis* (Monash University, Australia)
12. 急性系膜附属体炎
Acute Epiploic Appendagitis
S.Y. Tay
13. 糖尿病相关的硬肿病
Diabetes-Associated Scleredema
N. Makary and Q. Razali
14. α1-抗胰蛋白酶缺乏症
Alpha1-Antitrypsin Deficiency
J.M. Hernández Pérez
15. 病例26-2024:一位59岁女性,患有失语症、贫血和乳腺肿块
Case 26-2024: A 59-Year-Old Woman with Aphasia, Anemia, and a Breast Mass
Seth A. Wander (Massachusetts General Hospital, USA)
16. 心脏手术后保护肾功能的氨基酸输注
Amino Acid Infusion to Protect Kidney Function after Cardiac Surgery
Marlies Ostermann and Andrew D. Shaw (Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital, UK; Cleveland Clinic, USA)
17. 为什么需要阿奇霉素“终身”试验?
Why Was the Azithromycin “for Life” Trial Necessary?
Kathryn Maitland and A. Sarah Walker (Imperial College, UK; University College London, UK)
18. Medicare的未来和传统Medicare作为竞争者的角色
The Future of Medicare and the Role of Traditional Medicare as Competitor
J. Michael McWilliams (Harvard Medical School, USA)
(一)6 August 2024 -Volume 332 - No.5(2024年8月6日第332卷第5期)
Original Investigation(原创研究)
1. Pamrevlumab治疗特发性肺纤维化:ZEPHYRUS-1随机临床试验
Pamrevlumab for Idiopathic Pulmonary FibrosisThe ZEPHYRUS-1 Randomized Clinical Trial
Ganesh Raghu (University of Washington, USA)
Caring for the Critically Ill Patient(重症患者护理)
2. 对脓毒症危重患者预防和治疗器官功能障碍的对乙酰氨基酚的ASTER随机临床试验
Acetaminophen for Prevention and Treatment of Organ Dysfunction in Critically Ill Patients With SepsisThe ASTER Randomized Clinical Trial
Lorraine B. Ware (Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA)
3. 对急性器官功能障碍的危重患者使用Dapagliflozin的DEFENDER随机临床试验
Dapagliflozin for Critically Ill Patients With Acute Organ DysfunctionThe DEFENDER Randomized Clinical Trial
Caio A. M. Tavares (Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Brazil)
Research Letter(研究信)
4. 家庭医院护理的可接受性和照顾者负担能力
Acceptability of Hospital-at-Home Care and Capacity for Caregiver Burden
Melissa A. Frasco (University of Southern California, USA)
Special Communication(特别通讯)
Integrating Clinical Trials and Practice(整合临床试验和实践)
5. 为什么证据生成对支付者很重要以及他们如何提供帮助
Why Evidence Generation Should Matter to Payers and How They Can Help
Ali B. Abbasi (US Food and Drug Administration, USA)
Integrating Clinical Trials and Practice(整合临床试验和实践)
6. 在临床试验中嵌入患者和医疗保健专业人员的声音
Embedding Patient and Health Care Professional Voices in Clinical Trials
Stuart G. Nicholls (Office for Patient Engagement in Research Activity (OPERA), Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Canada)
7. 亚太地区的心血管临床试验
Cardiovascular Clinical Trials in the Asia-Pacific Region
Stephen J. Nicholls (Monash University, Australia)
8. 重建基于相对价值单位的医师支付系统
Rebuilding the Relative Value Unit–Based Physician Payment System
Laurence F. McMahon (University of Michigan, USA)
9. AHRQ的医疗扩展服务 —— 基于州的医疗改进解决方案
AHRQ’s Healthcare Extension Service—State-Based Solutions to Health Care Improvement
Karin Verlaine Rhodes (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Department of Health and Human Services, USA)
A Piece of My Mind(心情片段)
10. 长途跋涉
The Long Walk
Mary Ellen Swee (Lake Bluff, USA)
11. 当第三次不是幸运 —— 特发性肺纤维化的试验结果
When the Third Time Is Not the Charm—Trial Outcomes in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Ana C. Zamora (Mayo Clinic, USA)
12. 钠-葡萄糖共转运蛋白2治疗危重患者的急性器官功能障碍
Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Therapy for Acute Organ Dysfunction in Critically Ill Patients
Hernando Gómez (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
JAMA Insights(JAMA见解)
13. 本质震颤
Essential Tremor
W. Jeffrey Elias (University of Virginia, USA)
JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis(JAMA临床指南概要)
14. 围手术期抗血栓治疗的管理
Perioperative Management of Antithrombotic Therapy
Maureen D. Lyons (Oregon Health & Science University, USA)
Medical News & Perspectives (医学新闻与观点)
AI in Medicine医学中的AI
15. 利用AI的优势 —— 从手术室安全到可穿戴设备解释
Tapping AI’s Strengths—From Operating Room Safety to Wearable Device Interpretation
Jennifer Abbasi; Yulin Hswen
16. 更新COVID-19疫苗时选择要针对的最佳变体很棘手
Picking the Optimal Variant to Target in Updated COVID-19 Vaccines Is Tricky
Rita Rubin
Medical News in Brief(医学新闻简报)
17. 涉及ADHD药物的欺诈促使CDC警告伤害和过量
Fraud Involving ADHD Drugs Prompts CDC Warning About Injury, Overdose
Emily Harris
18. 传染性禽流感病毒在巴氏杀菌后是否持续存在?
Does Infectious Bird Flu Virus Persist After Pasteurization?
Emily Harris
19. COVID-19疫苗接种后的症状与更高抗体水平有关
Symptoms After COVID-19 Vaccination Tied to Higher Antibody Levels
Emily Harris
20. HHS资助新的美国农村医疗住院医师项目
HHS to Fund New US Rural Medical Residency Programs
Emily Harris
21. 禁食、餐替比糖尿病药物更多地改善血糖
Fasting, Meal Substitute Improved Blood Sugar More Than Diabetes Drugs
Emily Harris
22. 重量级举重保持老年人的长期力量
Heavy Weightlifting Maintained Older People’s Long-Term Strength
Emily Harris
23. 随着更多老年人患有1型糖尿病,指南可能不够
Guidelines May Fall Short as More Older Adults Live With Type 1 Diabetes
Emily Harris
24. 很少有Medicare受益人接受所需的阿片类药物使用障碍药物
Few Medicare Beneficiaries Receive Needed Opioid Use Disorder Meds
Emily Harris
25. 父母使用二甲双胍不会增加出生缺陷的风险
Metformin Use Among Parents Doesn’t Increase Birth Defect Risk
Emily Harris
Poetry and Medicine(诗歌与医学)
26. 母亲,儿子
Mother, son
Harold Van Lonkhuyzen (Maine Behavioral Healthcare, USA)
JAMA Revisited(JAMA回顾)
27. 维生素困惑
Vitamin Confusion
JAMA Patient Page(JAMA患者页面)
28. 食物过敏是什么?
What Are Food Allergies?
Rebecca Voelker
(二)13 August 2024 -Volume 332 - No.6(2024年8月13日第332卷第6期)
Original Investigation(原创研究)
1. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病高危加重患者的比索洛尔治疗:BICS随机临床试验
Bisoprolol in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease at High Risk of ExacerbationThe BICS Randomized Clinical Trial
Graham Devereux (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom)
2. 晚期肺癌患者的阶梯式缓和医疗:一项随机临床试验
Stepped Palliative Care for Patients With Advanced Lung CancerA Randomized Clinical Trial
Jennifer S. Temel (Massachusetts General Hospital, USA)
3. 子宫内膜异位症类型与卵巢癌风险
Endometriosis Typology and Ovarian Cancer Risk
Mollie E. Barnard (University of Utah, USA)
Research Letter(研究信)
4. COVID-19感染后从临床前1型糖尿病向临床1型糖尿病的进展
Progression From Presymptomatic to Clinical Type 1 Diabetes After COVID-19 Infection
Nadine Friedl (Institute of Diabetes Research, Helmholtz Munich, Germany)
5. 美国物质使用治疗设施提供的阿片类药物使用障碍治疗方法
Treatment Approaches for Opioid Use Disorder Offered in US Substance Use Treatment Facilities
Tae Woo Park (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
6. 马萨诸塞州全州常设医嘱后紧急避孕药的变动
Changes in Emergency Contraceptive Fills After Massachusetts’ Statewide Standing Order
Dima M. Qato (University of Southern California Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, USA)
Special Communication(特别通讯)
7. 国际医学毕业生和医生队伍
International Medical Graduates and the Physician Workforce
Oliver J. McElvaney (University of Washington, USA)
Health and the 2024 US Election(2024年美国大选与健康)
8. 拜登政府通过强制许可权利推动降低药品价格
The Biden Administration’s Push to Lower Drug Prices Through March-In Rights
Daniel G. Aaron (S.J. Quinney College of Law at The University of Utah, USA)
9. 保护患者和医生的新生殖隐私规则
New Reproductive Privacy Rule to Protect Both Patients and Physicians
Carmel Shachar (Harvard Law School, USA)
10. 食品药品监督管理局与希波克拉底医学联盟案 —— 生殖健康护理和FDA权威的谨慎胜利
Food and Drug Administration v Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine—A Cautious Win for Reproductive Health Care and FDA Authority
Michele B. Goodwin (Georgetown University Law Center, USA)
11. 全面衡量药物可归因伤害
Toward a Comprehensive Measure of Drug-Attributable Harm
Vaughan W. Rees (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA)
A Piece of My Mind (心情片段)
12. 必须有人留下来关灯
Someone Has to Be Around to Put Out the Lights
Joel Yager (University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA)
13. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病中的β受体阻滞剂 —— 走钢丝
β-Blockers in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease—Walking the Tightrope
MeiLan K. Han (University of Michigan, USA)
14. 子宫内膜异位症亚型和卵巢癌风险的新见解
New Insights in Endometriosis Subtypes and Ovarian Cancer Risk
Michael T. McHale (University of California, USA)
JAMA Insights(JAMA见解)
Climate Change and Health(气候变化与健康)
15. 医疗实践与气候危机
Medical Practice and the Climate Crisis
Wendy Levinson (University of Toronto, St Michael’s Hospital, Canada)
JAMA Clinical Challenge(JAMA临床挑战)
16. 一名25岁患者偶然发现的升主动脉瘤和二尖瓣主动脉瓣
A 25-Year-Old With an Incidentally Detected Ascending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Bicuspid Aortic Valve
Nicholas Oh (Cleveland Clinic, USA)
Editor's Note(编者注)
17. 患者、门户网站与诗歌
Patients, Portals, and Poetry
Rafael Campo
Medical News & Perspectives(医学新闻与观点)
18.美国外科医生总长Vivek Murthy:枪支暴力是公共卫生危机
US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy: Firearm Violence Is a Public Health Crisis
Jennifer Abbasi; Yulin Hswen
19. 世卫组织警告全球供应链中的假冒Ozempic —— 需要知道的事项
WHO Warns of Counterfeit Ozempic in the Global Supply Chain—Here’s What to Know
Kate Ruder
20. 细化结肠癌筛查,肺癌抗体疗法等 —— 2024年ASCO亮点
Refining Colon Cancer Screening, Antibody Therapy for Lung Cancer, and More—Highlights From ASCO 2024
Jennifer Abbasi
Medical News in Brief(医学新闻简报)
21. 美国登革热病毒感染风险增加,CDC警告
Increased Dengue Virus Infection Risk in the US, CDC Cautions
Emily Harris
22. 每日复合维生素与延长寿命无关
Daily Multivitamin Not Tied to Improved Longevity
Emily Harris
23. 尽管有新数据,约三分之一的老年人仍使用阿司匹林保护心脏
About One-Third of Older Adults Still Use Aspirin for Heart, Despite New Data
Emily Harris
24. 研究:德克萨斯州禁止堕胎后婴儿死亡增加
Study: Infant Deaths Climbed in Texas After State Banned Abortion
Emily Harris
25. Tirzepatide减少了患有睡眠呼吸暂停的患者的紊乱呼吸
Tirzepatide Reduced Disordered Breathing in Patients With Sleep Apnea
Emily Harris
26. 缓释氯胺酮片改善了难以治疗的抑郁症
Slow-Release Ketamine Tablets Improved Hard-to-Treat Depression
Emily Harris
27. 美国新任外科医生总长关于枪支暴力的咨询
New US Surgeon General Advisory on Firearm Violence
Emily Harris
28. 研究发现医学中普遍存在行政伤害
Administrative Harm Widespread in Medicine, Study Finds
Emily Harris
Poetry and Medicine(诗歌与医学)
29. 门户
The Portal
Hilde Weisert (Chapel Hill, USA)
JAMA Revisited(JAMA回顾)
30. 预防医学和医疗实践的未来
Preventive Medicine and the Future of Medical Practice
JAMA Patient Page(JAMA患者页面)
31. 什么是风湿性多肌痛?
What Is Polymyalgia Rheumatica?Malvika Lall; Christopher D. Jackson (University of Tennessee Health Science Center, USA)
(三)20 August 2024 -Volume 332 - No.7(2024年8月20日第332卷第7期)
Original Investigation(原创研究)
1. 聚维酮碘与醇中氯己定在术前皮肤消毒的比较:一项随机临床试验
Povidone Iodine vs Chlorhexidine Gluconate in Alcohol for Preoperative Skin AntisepsisA Randomized Clinical Trial
Andreas F. Widmer (University Hospital Basel and University of Basel, Switzerland)
2. 中国肥胖成人使用Tirzepatide减重的SURMOUNT-CN随机临床试验
Tirzepatide for Weight Reduction in Chinese Adults With ObesityThe SURMOUNT-CN Randomized Clinical Trial
Lin Zhao (Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, China)
3. Ivonescimab联合化疗治疗携带EGFR变异的非小细胞肺癌的随机临床试验
Ivonescimab Plus Chemotherapy in Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer With EGFR VariantA Randomized Clinical Trial
HARMONi-A Study Investigators
Research Letter(研究信)
4. 青少年处方药使用、转手来源及获取难度感知
Adolescent Use, Diversion Sources, and Perceived Procurement Difficulty of Prescription Medications
Sean Esteban McCabe (University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor)
5. 官方认可的疾病意识提升活动的网站内容与资金
Website Content and Funding of Officially Recognized Disease Awareness Campaigns
Minna Johansson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
6. 最高法院关于限制令对象持有枪支的决定
The Supreme Court Decision on Firearm Ownership for People Subject to Restraining Orders
Lawrence O. Gostin (Georgetown University, USA)
7. 超越声明保护跨性别青年
Moving Beyond Statements to Protect Transgender Youth
Melissa Santos (Connecticut Children’s, USA)
8. 学术健康机构中多样性、公平与包容项目不断演变的角色
The Evolving Role of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs in Academic Health Institutions
Yvette Cozier (Boston University, USA)
9. FDA中“保密商业信息”的起源
The Origins of “Confidential Commercial Information” at the FDA
C. Joseph Ross Daval (Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA)
A Piece of My Mind(心灵一角)
10. 不要浪费你的癌症
Don’t Waste Your Cancer
Monica J. Lim (Washington University in St Louis, USA)
11. 来自中国的Tirzepatide新证据—肥胖治疗
Tirzepatide—New Evidence for the Treatment of Obesity From China
Weiping Jia (Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, China)
12. Tirzepatide在中国减重的效力—对全球肥胖流行病的影响
Efficacy of Tirzepatide for Weight Loss in ChinaImplications for the Global Obesity Epidemic
Frank Qian (Boston Medical Center and Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, USA)
13. 肥胖药物治疗综述
Medications for ObesityA Review
Kimberly A. Gudzune (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA)
JAMA Clinical Guidelines Synopsis(JAMA临床指南概要)
14. 慢性冠状动脉疾病患者的管理
Management of Patients With Chronic Coronary Disease
Charles A. German (University of Chicago, USA)
Editor's Note(编者注)
15. 皮肤消毒以预防手术部位感染—对全球手术的影响
Skin Antisepsis to Prevent Surgical Site InfectionsImplications for Global Surgery
Anthony Charles (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
Medical News & Perspectives(医学新闻与观点)
16. ADA科学会议的新数据:GLP-1s、糖尿病视网膜病变和CGMs亮点
New Data on GLP-1s, Diabetic Retinopathy, and CGMs—Highlights From the ADA’s Scientific Sessions
Jennifer Abbasi
17. COVID-19可能对普通感冒有保护作用—为什么知道这一点可能导致更好的疫苗
COVID-19 May Protect Against the Common Cold—Here’s Why Knowing That Could Lead to Better Vaccines
Lori Youmshajekian, MA
Medical News in Brief(医学新闻简报)
18. CDC修订美国老年人RSV疫苗接种建议
CDC Revises RSV Vaccination Recommendation for Older Adults in US
Emily Harris
19. FDA批准第二种阿尔茨海默病药物Donanemab
FDA Green-Lights Second Alzheimer Drug, Donanemab
Emily Harris
20. 研究:美国老年人多药并用20年几乎翻倍
Study: Polypharmacy Nearly Doubled in 20 Years Among Older Adults in US
Emily Harris
21. FDA提出增加临床试验多样性的指导
FDA Proposes Guidance for Increasing Diversity in Clinical Trials
Emily Harris
22. 早期妊娠COVID-19疫苗接种与出生缺陷无关
COVID-19 Vaccination in Early Pregnancy Not Linked to Birth Defects
Emily Harris
23. 一线抗抑郁药与轻微体重增加差异相关
First-Line Antidepressants Tied to Minor Differences in Weight Gain
Emily Harris
24. WHO:全球酒精死亡人数仍然很高
WHO: Global Deaths From Alcohol Remain High
Emily Harris
25. HHS投资培训临床医生、护理人员以支持老年人
HHS Invests in Training Clinicians, Caregivers to Support Older Adults
Emily Harris
26. 金钱激励可能提高戒烟几率
Monetary Incentives May Improve Chances of Quitting Smoking
Emily Harris
Poetry and Medicine(诗歌与医学)
27. 床上安全
Safe in Bed
Mary Meriam (University of Arkansas at Monticello, USA)
JAMA Revisited(JAMA回顾)
28. 手术的进步
The Progress of Surgery
JAMA Patient Page(JAMA患者页面)
29. 成人肥胖
Obesity in Adults
Laura A. Campbell (University of Tennessee Health Science Center, USA)
(四)27 August 2024 -Volume 332 - No.8(2024年8月27日第332卷第8期)
Original Investigation(原创研究)
Caring for the Critically Ill Patient重症患者护理
1. 连续与间歇性β-内酰胺类抗生素输注在脓毒症危重患者中的比较:BLING III随机临床试验
Continuous vs Intermittent β-Lactam Antibiotic Infusions in Critically Ill Patients With SepsisThe BLING III Randomized Clinical Trial
Joel M. Dulhunty (Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Australia)
2. 成人脓毒症或脓毒性休克患者中β-内酰胺类抗生素延长与间歇性输注的系统评价与Meta分析
Prolonged vs Intermittent Infusions of β-Lactam Antibiotics in Adults With Sepsis or Septic ShockA Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Mohd H. Abdul-Aziz (The University of Queensland, Australia)
AI in Medicine医学中的AI
3. 集成AI工具从盲超声扫描估计妊娠周数的诊断准确性
Diagnostic Accuracy of an Integrated AI Tool to Estimate Gestational Age From Blind Ultrasound Sweeps
Jeffrey S. A. Stringer (University of North Carolina School of Medicine, USA)
Research Letter(研究信)
4. 职业发展奖获得者的中期满意度与离开当前职位的可能性
Midcareer Satisfaction and Likelihood of Leaving Current Position of Former Career Development Awardees
Reshma Jagsi (Emory University, USA)
5. 美国四大城市Medicaid注册者获得精神病学预约的情况
Access to Psychiatric Appointments for Medicaid Enrollees in 4 Large US Cities
Diksha Brahmbhatt (Weill Cornell Medical College, USA)
6. 私募股权收购前后的医院资产
Hospital Assets Before and After Private Equity Acquisition
Elizabeth Schrier (University of California, USA)
Special Communication(特别通讯)
7. 医院环境中的枪支政策—将医疗保健视为“敏感场所”
Firearm Policy in the Hospital Setting—Recognizing Health Care as a “Sensitive Place”
Joshua B. Romero (University of North Carolina School of Medicine, USA)
8. 支持限制堕胎州的妇产科医生—机构的策略手册
Supporting OB-GYNs in Abortion-Restrictive States—A Playbook for Institutions
Erika L. Sabbath (Boston College, USA)
9. 誓言、良知、合同与法律—医学专业主义面临的风暴
Oaths, Conscience, Contracts, and Laws—The Gathering Storm Confronting Medical Professionalism
Patricia A. Gabow (University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA)
10. 新规则要求可访问的医疗诊断设备—第504条残疾民权法规的更新
New Rules Requiring Accessible Medical Diagnostic Equipment—Updates to Section 504 Disability Civil Rights Regulations
Lisa I. Iezzoni (Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA)
Health and the 2024 US Election 2024年美国大选与健康
11. 移民政治化的人本代价:迁移污名、美国政治与健康
The Human Cost of Politicizing Immigration: Migration Stigma, US Politics, and Health
Lawrence H. Yang (New York University School of Global Public Health, USA)
A Piece of My Mind(心灵一角)
Health and the 2024 US Election 2024年美国大选与健康
12. 小径上的魔法
Trail Magic
Beverly Gray (Duke University School of Medicine, USA)
13. 解决脓毒症中连续与间歇性β-内酰胺类抗生素的困境
Resolving the Dilemma on Continuous vs Intermittent β-Lactam Antibiotics in Sepsis
W. Joost Wiersinga (Amsterdam University Medical Center, the Netherlands)
14. 在资源有限的环境中使用人工智能增强产科超声检查
Enhancing Obstetric Ultrasonography With Artificial Intelligence in Resource-Limited Settings
Alexis C. Gimovsky (Alpert Medical School of Brown University, USA)
15. 关于在医学和科学出版物中报告性别、性、性别认同、性取向和年龄的草稿指南—征求审查和评论
Draft Guidance on Reporting Gender, Sex, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Age in Medical and Scientific Publication—Call for Review and Comment
Annette Flanagin
JAMA Insights(JAMA洞见)
16. 女性运动员的前交叉韧带损伤
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Female Athletes
Jonathan Napolitano (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, USA)
17. 运动员的热相关疾病
Heat-Related Illness in Athletes
Francis G. O’Connor (Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, USA)
Editor's Note(编者注)
18. 身体如诗
The Body as Poetry
Rafael Campo
Medical News & Perspectives(医学新闻与观点)
19. 随着针对医疗保健的勒索软件攻击激增,临床医生和卫生系统可以做什么
As Ransomware Attacks on Health Care Surge, Here’s What Clinicians and Health Systems Can Do
Anna Bock
20. 世界需要一种金黄色葡萄球菌疫苗—新研究可能使其更近一步
The World Needs a Staph Vaccine—New Research Could Bring It a Step Closer
Donavyn Coffey
Medical News in Brief(医学新闻简报)
21. NIH在美国开始测试鼻喷COVID-19疫苗
NIH Starts Testing Nasal COVID-19 Vaccine in US
Emily Harris
22. EHR数据显示Tirzepatide在减重方面优于Semaglutide
EHR Data Suggest Tirzepatide Outdoes Semaglutide for Weight Loss
Emily Harris
23. 系统评价:嗅觉问题与增加的脆弱风险相关
Systematic Review: Problems With Smell Tied to Increased Frailty Risk
Emily Harris
24. WHO发布首个全球戒烟指南
WHO Launches First Global Guidelines for Quitting Tobacco
Emily Harris
25. 产前RSV疫苗与早产风险增加无关
Prenatal RSV Vaccine Not Tied to Higher Risk of Preterm Births
Emily Harris
26. 减肥药与10种癌症风险降低相关|
Weight Loss Drugs Linked With Lower Risk of 10 Cancers
Emily Harris
27. 随着时间的推移,痴呆症发病率下降,但某些风险因素正在上升
Dementia Rates Have Fallen Over Time, But Some Risk Factors Are Rising
Emily Harris
28. FTC称药房中间商以患者为代价获利
Pharmacy Middlemen Profit at Patients’ Expense, Says FTC
Emily Harris
29. 关于风险和益处的更多数据可能会改变乳腺癌筛查选择
More Data About Risks, Benefits Might Change Breast Cancer Screening Choice
Emily Harris
Poetry and Medicine(诗歌与医学)
30. 曾经不是
wasn’t there once
Angeline Truong (University of California, USA)
JAMA Revisited(JAMA回顾)
31. 人类环境的工业污染
Industrial Pollution of Human Environment
JAMA Patient Page(JAMA患者页面)
32. 什么是口腔溃疡?
What Are Canker Sores?
Rebecca Voelker
August 2024 - Volume 24 - Issue 8(2024年8月第24卷第8期)
Research Highlights(研究亮点)
1. 一种依赖CTLA4的ILC3内在肠道检查点
An ILC3-intrinsic, CTLA4-dependent intestinal checkpoint
Kirsty Minton*
2. 理解NK细胞异质性
Understanding NK cell heterogeneity
Alexandra Flemming
3. 树突细胞的灵丹妙药
Elixir for DCs
Lucy Bird
Journal Club(期刊俱乐部)
4. 肌动蛋白分支维持组织驻留的肥大细胞
Actin branching maintains tissue-resident mast cells
Louis Ngai, Arthur Mortha (University of Toronto, Canada)
5. 微生物群许可新生儿流感的保护性CD8+ T细胞反应
Microbiota licenses protective CD8+ T cell responses against neonatal influenza
Boyan K. Tsankov, Dana J. Philpott* (University of Toronto, Canada)
6. 重新思考pDCs:免疫中的可疑盟友?
Rethinking pDCs: a questionable ally in immunity?
Ester Gea-Mallorquí* (University of Oxford, UK)
7. 骨髓炎症在血液肿瘤中的作用
Bone marrow inflammation in haematological malignancies
Madelon M. E. de Jong, Tom Cupedo* (Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, The Netherlands)
8. 针对炎症性肠病的细胞因子靶向策略
Strategies for targeting cytokines in inflammatory bowel disease
Markus F. Neurath* (University Hospital Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen–Nuernberg, Germany)
9. 短链脂肪酸:连接饮食、微生物群和免疫
Short-chain fatty acids: linking diet, the microbiome and immunity
Elizabeth R. Mann, Holm H. Uhlig* (University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, UK; University of Oxford, UK)
10. 按需定制:紧急髓系生成和需求适应的先天免疫细胞产生
Made to order: emergency myelopoiesis and demand-adapted innate immune cell production
James W. Swann, Emmanuelle Passegué* (Columbia University, USA)
August 2024 - Volume 12 - Number 8(2024年12卷第8期)
1. 家庭空气污染:一个被忽视的威胁
Household air pollution: a neglected threat
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
2. 应对KRASG12C突变非小细胞肺癌:迭代与探索
Tackling KRASG12C-mutated non-small-cell lung cancer: iteration and exploration
Jia Luo, Liza C Villaruz* (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA; UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, USA)
3. 对重症患者试验中功能结果的治疗影响
Treatment effects on functional outcomes in trials with severely ill patients
Edmond S W Ng* (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK)
4. 阿奇霉素预防早产儿慢性肺病:并非万能良药
Azithromycin for the prevention of chronic lung disease of prematurity: not a silver bullet
Abdul Razak* (Monash University, Australia)
5. 治疗急性呼吸道疾病:需要主动出击
Treating acute respiratory illness: the need to be proactive
Evangelos J Giamarellos-Bourboulis* (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)
6. 扩大家庭接触者结核病预防治疗的障碍
Overcoming barriers to scaling up tuberculosis preventive treatment for household contacts
Gavin Churchyard* (The Aurum Institute, South Africa)
7. 在IPF治疗中向前迈进:从临床试验中学到的教训
Moving forward in IPF: lessons learned from clinical trials
Ganesh Raghu* (University of Washington, USA)|
8. 2024年美国胸科协会国际会议
2024 American Thoracic Society International Conference
Priya Venkatesan
9. 百日咳病例上升
Whooping cough cases rising
Priya Venkatesan
10. Garsorasib在中国KRASG12C突变非小细胞肺癌患者中的研究:一项开放标签、多中心、单臂、2期试验
Garsorasib in patients with KRASG12C-mutated non-small-cell lung cancer in China: an open-label, multicentre, single-arm, phase 2 trial
Ziming Li, Shun Lu* (Shanghai Chest Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
11. 使用抗精神病药物治疗危重病期间谵妄的长期结果(MIND-USA):一项随机、安慰剂对照、3期试验
Long-term outcomes after treatment of delirium during critical illness with antipsychotics (MIND-USA): a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial
Matthew F Mart, Timothy D Girard* (Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, USA)
12. 阿奇霉素治疗预防早产儿慢性肺病(AZTEC):一项多中心、双盲、随机、安慰剂对照试验
Azithromycin therapy for prevention of chronic lung disease of prematurity (AZTEC): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial
John Lowe, Sailesh Kotecha* (Cardiff University, UK)
13. 与常规护理相比,鼻喷雾和行为干预对初级保健中急性呼吸道疾病的比较:一项随机、对照、开放标签、平行组试验
Nasal sprays and behavioural interventions compared with usual care for acute respiratory illness in primary care: a randomised, controlled, open-label, parallel-group trial
Paul Little* (University of Southampton, UK)
14. 不同年龄组和结核分枝杆菌感染状态的预防治疗的有效性:接触者追踪研究的系统评价和个体参与者数据Meta分析
Effectiveness of preventive treatment among different age groups and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection status: a systematic review and individual-participant data meta-analysis of contact tracing studies
Leonardo Martinez* (Boston University School of Public Health, USA)
15. 在急性低氧性呼吸衰竭中何时插管?在重症监护室中基于证据的决策选择和机会
When to intubate in acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure? Options and opportunities for evidence-informed decision making in the intensive care unit
Kevin G Lee, Christopher J Yarnell* (University of Ottawa, Canada; Scarborough Health Network Research Institute, Canada)
(一)10 August 2024 - Volume 386 - Issue 8438(2024年8月10日第386卷第8438期)
This Week(本周新闻)
1. 过度检查的潜在负担
The potential burden of overinvestigation
2. 全科医生压倒性投票采取集体行动处理合同问题
GPs vote overwhelmingly to take collective action over contract
3. 2024年7月31日至8月6日的医学七天
Seven days in medicine: 31 July to 6 August 2024
4. 英国医学协会支持英格兰初级医生两年内加薪22.3%
BMA backs 22.3% pay rise over two years for junior doctors in England
5. 六十秒了解……食物过敏
Sixty seconds on . . . food allergies
6. 集体行动可能成为常态,英格兰全科医生负责人警告
Collective action could become norm, warns head of England’s GPs
7. 英格兰的全科医生和医院医生在2024-25年获得6%的加薪
GPs and hospital doctors in England get 6% pay increase for 2024-25
8. 额外的8200万英镑允许英格兰的诊所今年再雇佣1000名新全科医生
Extra £82m allows practices in England to hire 1000 more new GPs this year
9. 青春期阻滞剂:BMA呼吁解除对儿童处方的禁令
Puberty blockers: BMA calls for lifting of ban on prescribing to children
10. Wegovy:GP试点计划可能因未能启动而被取消
Wegovy: GP pilot scheme could be scrapped after failing to launch
11. 取消社会保障上限是一个悲剧,Dilnot说
Shelving of social care cap is a tragedy, says Dilnot
12. Lecanemab:欧洲药品机构在对疗效和安全性的辩论中拒绝阿尔茨海默病药物
Lecanemab: European drug agency rejects Alzheimer’s drug amid debate over efficacy and safety
13. 昆汀·布雷克的艺术作品暂时出院
Quentin Blake’s art discharged—temporarily
14. 应对研究不当行为
Tackling research misconduct
15. 英国的四年制医学学位
Four year medical degrees in the UK
16. “事情不能保持现状”——英国顶尖产科医生对员工士气的看法
“Things cannot remain as they are”—UK’s top obstetrician on workforce morale
17. Galleri承诺检测多种癌症——但新证据对这种备受炒作的血液测试提出了质疑
Galleri promises to detect multiple cancers—but new evidence casts doubt on this much hyped blood test
18. 成人院外心脏骤停上肢的骨髓内与静脉血管通路:群集随机临床试验(VICTOR试验)
Intraosseous versus intravenous vascular access in upper extremity among adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: cluster randomised clinical trial (VICTOR trial)
Ying-Chih Ko, Wen-Chu Chiang* (National Taiwan University Cancer Center, Taiwan, China; National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan, China)
19. 单纯减压或融合治疗退行性腰椎滑脱(Nordsten-DS):随机、多中心、非劣效试验的五年随访
Decompression alone or with fusion for degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis (Nordsten-DS): five year follow-up of a randomised, multicentre, non-inferiority trial
Eric Loratang Kgomotso, Ivar Magne Austevoll* (Haukeland University Hospital, Norway)
20. 脊柱狭窄伴退行性滑脱的手术治疗
Surgery for spinal stenosis with degenerative spondylolisthesis
Anders Joelson* (Orebro University Hospital, Sweden)
21. 1990年至2018年间185个国家儿童和青少年摄入含糖饮料:基于人群的研究
Intake of sugar sweetened beverages among children and adolescents in 185 countries between 1990 and 2018: population based study
Laura Lara-Castor* (Tufts University, USA)
22. 斯嘉丽特·麦克纳利:我们都可以做得更好,以鼓励多样性,造福员工和患者
Scarlett McNally: We can all do better to encourage diversity to benefit staff and patients
23. 应对不健康食品和肥胖:新工党政府将走多远?
Tackling unhealthy food and obesity: how far will the new Labour government go?
Adam Briggs (The Health Foundation, UK)
24. 解决环境健康劳动力问题,否则可能进一步爆发食源性疾病
Fix workforce problems in environmental health or risk further outbreaks of foodborne disease
Mark Elliott (Chartered Institute of Environmental Health)
25. 大卫·奥利弗:我们的健康监管机构在能力和信誉方面陷入危机
David Oliver: Our health regulators are in a crisis of competence and credibility
David Oliver, consultant in geriatrics and acute general medicine
26. 海伦·索尔兹伯里:护理质量委员会的失败
Helen Salisbury: Failings at the Care Quality Commission
Helen Salisbury, GP
27. 虚弱需要一个新的名字吗?
Does frailty need a new name?
Sarah A Hopkins (University of Cambridge, UK)
28. 可持续性与NHS:视频咨询是一个机会
Sustainability and the NHS: video consultations are an opportunity
Alexander Woywodt (Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Preston Hospital, UK)
29. 初级保健中的无家可归者:更多的专家从业者和服务至关重要
Homelessness in primary care: more specialist practitioners and services are crucia
Christopher Sargeant (Pathway, UK)
30. 初级保健中的无家可归者:促进包容性的GP注册
Homelessness in primary care: promote inclusive GP registration
Lucy B Langford (Newham Training Hub, UK)
31. 肥胖:NHS英格兰是时候加紧行动了
Obesity: time for NHS England to step up
Jonathan M Hazlehurst (Heartlands Hospital, UK)
32. 女性代表和配额的限制
Women’s representation and limitations of quotas
Santhanam Sundar (Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, UK)
33. 减少用药让我哭泣
Deprescribing makes me weep
Arnold Zermansky, retired GP, retired senior research fellow
34. 文字有创造和毁灭的力量
Words have the power to create and to destroy
Aditaya Kumar
35. 不孕也影响男性的生活质量
Infertility affects quality of life for men too
Guy Titley
36. 作者回复Titley
Authors’ reply to Titley
Silke J Dyer
37. 迈克尔·史密斯
Michael Smith
Simon Smith
38. 艾玛·维罗妮卡·简·埃德蒙兹
Emma Veronica Jane Edmonds
Chris Bunker
39. 穆昆德拉伊·克里斯·贾萨尼
Mukundrai Kris Jasani
Bharat Jasani
40. 彼得·罗伯特·乔丹
Peter Robert Jordan
Rupert Jordan
41. 劳尔·佩雷斯-蒙特哈诺
Raul Perez-Montejano
Barbara Perez-Montejano
42. 休·塞尔沃尔-琼斯
Hugh Thelwall-Jones
Carole Thelwall-Jones
43. V·克雷格·乔丹:药理学家和三苯氧胺之父
V Craig Jordan: pharmacologist and father of tamoxifen
Janet Fricker
44. 私募股权公司购买医院……和其他研究
Private equity firms’ purchase of hospitals … and other research
Tom Nolan
45. 减少住院患者不必要的持续心电监测(遥测)使用
Decreasing unnecessary use of continuous cardiac monitoring (telemetry) in hospitalised patients
William K Silverstein (University of Toronto, Canada)
46. 在社区照顾临终患者
Caring for dying patients in the community
Rebecca Holdsworth* (Newcastle University, UK)
47. 即使是短暂的糖尿病缓解也与降低心脏病发作和中风的风险有关
Even short periods of diabetes remission are linked to lower risk of heart attack and stroke
Helen Saul (NIHR Evidence, UK)
48. 斯蒂尔病的非典型持续性皮疹
Atypical persistent skin eruption in Still’s disease
Jia Li (Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, China)|
49. 微量元素和胰腺癌……和其他故事
Trace elements and pancreatic cancer . . . and other stories
50. 提供安慰,而非治愈:姑息治疗专家
Offering comfort, not cure: the palliative care specialist
Helen Jones
(二)24 August 2024 - Volume 386 - Issue 8439(2024年8月24日第386卷第8439期)
This Week(本周新闻)
1. 希望不是被动的——它需要行动
Hope is not passive—it needs action
2. 阴道网状物:制造商与140名因并发症而起诉的女性达成和解
Vaginal mesh: Manufacturers settle with 140 women over complications
3. 2024年8月14日至20日的医学七天
Seven days in medicine: 14-20 August 2024
4. 英国卫生安全局表示,随着病例的增加,有可能出现症状的人应进行梅毒检测
Test for syphilis in people with possible symptoms, says UKHSA, as cases rise
5. 六十秒了解……抗抑郁头戴设备
Sixty seconds on . . . antidepression headsets
6. 瓦尔多·卡洛卡内:诺丁汉杀手报告识别了一系列护理失败
Valdo Calocane: Report on Nottingham killer identifies catalogue of care failings
7. 近900名医生签署信件,敦促英国医学协会放弃对Cass审查的调查
Nearly 900 doctors sign letter urging BMA to abandon inquiry into Cass review
8. 英国医学协会表示,医生助理在每次看诊后必须由全科医生监督
Physician associates must be supervised by a GP straight after seeing each patient, says BMA
9. GMC调查发现,努力工作的医生减少工作时间以避免倦怠
Struggling doctors reduce hours to avoid burnout, finds GMC survey
10. 世界卫生组织和非洲疾控中心宣布猴痘为公共卫生紧急情况
WHO and African CDC declare mpox a public health emergency
11. 印度医生在一名实习生被强奸和谋杀后发起全国性罢工
Doctors in India launch nationwide strike after trainee is raped and murdered
12. 美国堕胎限制正在造成广泛伤害
US abortion restrictions are causing widespread harm
13. 抗微生物耐药性:行动必须转向预防
Antimicrobial resistance: action must shift towards prevention
14. 医学培训处于崩溃边缘:学习者数量的增加会将系统推向边缘吗?
Medical training at breaking point: will an increase in learners push the system over the edge?
15. 全科医生领袖:“如果全科医疗是NHS的基石,那么NHS正在崩溃”
GP leader: “If general practice is the bedrock of the NHS, then the NHS is collapsing”
16. 指南推荐的分子靶标和基因靶向癌症治疗的临床价值:横断面研究
Clinical value of guideline recommended molecular targets and genome targeted cancer therapies: cross sectional study
Ariadna Tibau* (Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA)
17. 20个国家的研究中,医生与普通人群的自杀率比较:性别分层的系统评价和荟萃分析
Suicide rates among physicians compared with the general population in studies from 20 countries: gender stratified systematic review and meta-analysis
Claudia Zimmermann, Eva Schernhammer* (Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
18. 医生和自杀
Doctors and suicide
Clare Gerada*
19. 比较口服单药疗法的裸头草碱、麦角酸二乙酰胺、3,4-亚甲基二氧甲基苯丙胺、死藤水和艾司西酞普兰治疗抑郁症状:系统评价和贝叶斯网络荟萃分析
Comparative oral monotherapy of psilocybin, lysergic acid diethylamide, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, ayahuasca, and escitalopram for depressive symptoms: systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis
Tien-Wei Hsu, Chih-Sung Liang* (E-DA Dachang Hospital, I-Shou University, Taiwan, China; National Defense Medical Centre, Taiwan, China)
20. 拉姆亚·马修:是时候提高社区信托的知名度了
Rammya Mathew: It’s time to raise the profile of community trusts
Rammya Mathew
21. “毕竟我不是一个人”——如何通过展示脆弱性来支持员工福祉
“I wasn’t alone after all”—how modelling vulnerability can support staff wellbeing
Jess Morgan
22. 从医生助理到医学生
From physician associate to medical student
Adam Skeen
23. 约翰·劳纳:如何成为一名慢性病学家
John Launer: How to be a chronicologist
John Launer
24. 海伦·索尔兹伯里:全科医生集体行动结束无资助的工作
Helen Salisbury: GP collective action to end unfunded work
Helen Salisbury
25. 当医生作为政策倡导者时,如何保持可信度
How to maintain trustworthiness when doctors act as policy advocates
Sebastian Walsh
26. 为防止托吡酯在怀孕期间使用而采取的风险最小化措施:最大限度的延迟,最小的可操作性
Risk minimisation measures to prevent topiramate use during pregnancy: maximal delay, minimal actionability
Alain Braillon
27. 疫苗制造商应为怀孕期间使用生产单独的百日咳疫苗
Vaccine manufacturers should produce a pertussis only vaccine for use in pregnancy
Peter Selley
28. 乳腺癌筛查扩展:模型不反映现实生活,不应用来更新指导
Breast cancer screening expansion: modelling doesn’t reflect real life and should not be used to update guidance
Philippe Autier
29. 乳腺癌筛查不改善寿命或生活质量
Breast cancer screening does not improve length or quality of life
Michael Baum
30. 患者最了解:获取医疗记录是关键
Patients Know Best: access to medical records is key
Mohammad Al-Ubaydli
31. 考虑在数字医疗记录访问中的不平等问题
Consideration of inequalities in digital access to medical records
Madeleine Fisher
32. 共享急性护理记录和解码医学术语——需要谨慎和进一步研究
Sharing acute care records and decoding the medical lexicon—caution and further research needed
Samuel P Trethewey
33. 促进患者参与研究的资源
Resources to facilitate patient engagement in research
Greg Martin
34. 患者也在资金和传播中扮演重要角色
Patients have important roles in funding and dissemination too
Graham J Cooper
35. Jennifer Mary Fisken (nee Street)
36. Manak Chand
37. William Goodhugh Dawson
38. Valerie Graves
39. Lawrence Mascarenhas
40. David George Pratt
41. 理查德·泰勒:成为独立议员的顾问风湿病学家,站在反NHS私有化票上
Richard Taylor: consultant rheumatologist who became an independent MP, standing on an anti-NHS privatisation ticket
42. 读心机器……和其他研究
Mind reading machines … and other research
Tom Nolan
43. 减少急诊科对轻微创伤性脑损伤成年人的计算机断层扫描(CT)成像
Reducing computed tomography (CT) imaging for adults with minor traumatic brain injuries in the emergency department
Brian H Rowe (University of Alberta, Canada)
44. 评估和管理年轻人的自我伤害和自杀风险
Assessment and management of self-harm and suicide risk in young people
Faraz Mughal* (Keele University, UK)
45. 产后胸痛妇女
A postpartum woman with chest pain
Fengguang Kang, Dezhu Chen* (ShunDe Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, China)
46. 髓外造血
Extramedullary haematopoiesis
Qingping Zhong, Binglin Lai* (Ganzhou People’s Hospital, China)
47. 腹部症状……和其他故事
Abdominal symptoms . . . and other stories
48. 我为什么……是一名足球裁判
Why I . . . am a football referee
Kathy Oxtoby
August 2024 - Volume 30 - Issue 8(2024年8月第30卷第8期)
1. 每个宝宝都应该接受基因筛查
Every baby deserves access to genetic screening
2. mRNA如何推动个性化疫苗革命
How mRNA is powering a personalized vaccine revolution
Mike May
News Feature(新闻特写)
3. 焦虑、抑郁、头痛——政治极化对你的健康有害吗?
Anxiety, depression, headaches — is political polarization bad for your health?
Anita Makri
4. 通过数据漫步在生物医学科学中建立信任和透明度
Building trust and transparency in biomedical sciences through data walks
Layla Fattah, Talia H. Swartz (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA)
5. 在偏远的澳大利亚和原住民中进行的败血症的现场检测
Point-of-care testing for sepsis in remote Australia and for First Nations peoples
Brooke Spaeth* (Flinders University, Australia)
6. 在朝觐期间降低高致病性禽流感A病毒H5N1传播的风险
Reducing the risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus H5N1 transmission during the Hajj
Shahul H. Ebrahim (University of Sciences, Mali)
7. 为长期COVID的治疗和预防选择生成临床证据
Generating clinical evidence for treatment and prevention options for long COVID
Stephanie Buchholz, Marco Cavaleri* (European Medicines Agency, The Netherlands)
World View(世界观)
8. 2024年女性健康将成为选票上的问题
Women’s health is on the ballot in 2024
Sophie Harman* (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
9. 大流行条约:宏大的全球社会契约
The pandemic treaty: a grand global social bargain
Lawrence O. Gostin* (Georgetown University, USA)
10. 论证框架是医疗保健中灵活的证据方法
The argument framework is a flexible approach to evidence in healthcare
Jonathan Fuller* (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
11. 射月:国家癌症研究所的数据共享政策实施框架
Shooting the moon: the National Cancer Institute’s implementation framework for data sharing policies
Emily S. Boja, Jaime M. Guidry Auvil* (National Institutes of Health, USA)
12. 修订的阿尔茨海默病诊断和分期标准
Revised criteria for the diagnosis and staging of Alzheimer’s disease
Clifford R. Jack Jr* (Mayo Clinic, USA)
News & Views(新闻与观点)
13. 肝脏为转移性胰腺癌撒下广泛的NET
The liver casts a wide NET for metastatic pancreatic cancer
Le Li, Florencia McAllister*, Anirban Maitra* (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre, USA)
14. 用于筛查保留射血分数心力衰竭的简单工具
A simple tool to screen for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction|
Ambarish Pandey* (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA)
15. 整合传统和现代药物以治疗心力衰竭
Integrating traditional and modern medicines to treat heart failure
Zhuang Tian, Shuyang Zhang* (Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, China)
Research Briefings(研究简报)
16. 将肠道微生物菌株和功能与国际人群中的糖尿病联系起来
Linking gut microbial strains and functions to diabetes in an international population
Review Articles(综述文章)
17. 西方饮食和慢性病
Western diets and chronic diseases
Timon E. Adolph*, Herbert Tilg* (Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria)
18. 长期COVID的科学、研究和政策
Long COVID science, research and policy
Ziyad Al-Aly* (VA St. Louis Health Care System, USA)
Brief Communications(简短通讯)
19. U4 snRNA基因RNU4-2的突变导致最常见的单基因神经发育障碍之一
Mutations in the U4 snRNA gene RNU4-2 cause one of the most prevalent monogenic neurodevelopmental disorders
Daniel Greene, Ernest Turro* (University of Cambridge, UK)
20. 用于预测早期胰腺癌转移结果的前转移肝脏多参数图谱
Multi-parametric atlas of the pre-metastatic liver for prediction of metastatic outcome in early-stage pancreatic cancer
Linda Bojmar, David Lyden* (Meyer Cancer Center Weill Cornell Medicine, USA)
21. 在铂敏感复发卵巢癌中手术与非手术的比较:SOC-1随机3期试验的最终总生存分析
Surgery versus no surgery in platinum-sensitive relapsed ovarian cancer: final overall survival analysis of the SOC-1 randomized phase 3 trial
Rong Jiang, Rongyu Zang* (Fudan University Zhongshan Hospital, China)
22. Fruquintinib联合紫杉醇与安慰剂联合紫杉醇治疗胃癌或胃食管结合部腺癌:随机3期FRUTIGA试验
Fruquintinib plus paclitaxel versus placebo plus paclitaxel for gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma: the randomized phase 3 FRUTIGA trial
Feng Wang, Rui-Hua Xu* (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
23. Lisocabtagene maraleucel在滤泡性淋巴瘤中的应用:2期TRANSCEND FL研究
Lisocabtagene maraleucel in follicular lymphoma: the phase 2 TRANSCEND FL study
Franck Morschhauser* (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, France)
24. Trastuzumab deruxtecan与Trastuzumab emtansine在HER2阳性转移性乳腺癌中的比较:DESTINY-Breast03试验的长期生存分析
Trastuzumab deruxtecan versus trastuzumab emtansine in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer: long-term survival analysis of the DESTINY-Breast03 trial
Javier Cortés* (International Breast Cancer Center, Spain)
25. BCG无反应的非肌层浸润性膀胱癌中的溶瘤腺病毒治疗加上pembrolizumab:2期CORE-001试验
Oncolytic adenoviral therapy plus pembrolizumab in BCG-unresponsive non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: the phase 2 CORE-001 trial
Roger Li* (H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, USA)
26. Claudin18.2特异性CAR T细胞在消化道癌症中的应用:1期试验的最终结果
Claudin18.2-specific CAR T cells in gastrointestinal cancers: phase 1 trial final results
Changsong Qi* (Peking University Cancer Hospital & Institute, China)
27. Isatuximab、来普唑、地塞米松和硼替佐米在不适合移植的多发性骨髓瘤中的应用:随机3期BENEFIT试验
Isatuximab, lenalidomide, dexamethasone and bortezomib in transplant-ineligible multiple myeloma: the randomized phase 3 BENEFIT trial
Xavier Leleu* (Hematology, CIC 1082, U1313, CHU, University, France)
28. 在ER+HER2−转移性乳腺癌中抑制赖氨酸乙酰转移酶KAT6:1期试验
Inhibition of lysine acetyltransferase KAT6 in ER+HER2− metastatic breast cancer: a phase 1 trial
Toru Mukohara, Patricia M. LoRusso* (National Cancer Center Hospital East, Japan; Yale School of Medicine, USA)
29. 使用DNA甲基化分型进行宫颈癌筛查在现实世界人群中的应用
Cervical cancer screening using DNA methylation triage in a real-world population
Lena Schreiberhuber, Martin Widschwendter* (European Translational Oncology Prevention and Screening Institute, Austria)
30. 用于保留射血分数心力衰竭的基于证据的筛查工具:HFpEF-ABA评分
An evidence-based screening tool for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: the HFpEF-ABA score
Yogesh N. V. Reddy, Barry A. Borlaug* (Mayo Clinic, USA)
31. 在8,117个宏基因组的交叉队列分析中识别2型糖尿病的菌株特异性肠道微生物特征
Strain-specific gut microbial signatures in type 2 diabetes identified in a cross-cohort analysis of 8,117 metagenomes
Zhendong Mei, Dong D. Wang* (Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA)
32. Vedolizumab用于预防异体造血干细胞移植后的肠道急性GVHD:一项随机3期试验
Vedolizumab for the prevention of intestinal acute GVHD after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a randomized phase 3 trial
Yi-Bin Chen* (Massachusetts General Hospital, USA)
33. 房颤患者中血栓栓塞事件和血管性痴呆与低显性中风风险的关系
Thromboembolic events and vascular dementia in patients with atrial fibrillation and low apparent stroke risk
Alastair R. Mobley, Dipak Kotecha* (University of Birmingham, UK)
34. 在射血分数降低的心力衰竭中应用中药Qiliqiangxin:一项随机、双盲、安慰剂对照试验
The traditional Chinese medicine Qiliqiangxin in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Iokfai Cheang, Xinli Li* (the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu Province Hospital, China)
35. 用于持续性房颤的双能量格子尖端消融系统:一项随机试验
Dual-energy lattice-tip ablation system for persistent atrial fibrillation: a randomized trial
Elad Anter* (Shamir Medical Center, Israel)
36. 美国医疗保健系统的弹性和适应大流行中断的能力
Healthcare system resilience and adaptability to pandemic disruptions in the United States
Lu Zhong, Jianxi Gao* (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
37. 用于检测肾脏同种异体移植排斥的游离DNA
Cell-free DNA for the detection of kidney allograft rejection
Olivier Aubert, Alexandre Loupy* (Université Paris Cité, France)
38. 使用clazakizumab抑制接受维持性透析的患者的IL-6:一项随机2b期试验
IL-6 inhibition with clazakizumab in patients receiving maintenance dialysis: a randomized phase 2b trial
Glenn M. Chertow* (Stanford University, USA)
39. 与E-MOTIVE试验一起,早期检测和捆绑治疗产后出血与胰高血糖素样肽-1受体激动剂相比的成本效益分析
Effectiveness of bariatric metabolic surgery versus glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists for prevention of congestive heart failure
Yael Wolff Sagy* (Clalit Health Services, Israel)
40. 与E-MOTIVE试验一起,早期检测和捆绑治疗产后出血的成本效益分析
A cost-effectiveness analysis of early detection and bundled treatment of postpartum hemorrhage alongside the E-MOTIVE trial
Eleanor V. Williams, Tracy E. Roberts* (University of Birmingham, UK)
41. 多模态评估提高了临床上无反应的危重病脑损伤患者的神经预后表现
Multimodal assessment improves neuroprognosis performance in clinically unresponsive critical-care patients with brain injury
B. Rohaut* (Sorbonne Université, France)
42. 在主要关心认知问题的患者中,非文化偏见、文化公平的认知检测工具:一项随机对照试验
Non-literacy biased, culturally fair cognitive detection tool in primary care patients with cognitive concerns: a randomized controlled trial
Joe Verghese* (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA)
43. 外周血单核细胞的呼吸功能与进行性青光眼视力丧失相关
Peripheral blood mononuclear cell respiratory function is associated with progressive glaucomatous vision loss
Bledi Petriti, David F. Garway-Heath* (Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, UK)
- 1首届《中国医院用药评价与分析》杂志学术年会圆满闭幕2024-11-04 19:27:28
- 2国际TOP10药学期刊文章信息 (2024年9月)2024-10-22 13:44:58
- 3国际TOP10药学期刊文章信息 (2024年8月)2024-09-27 14:16:10
- 4TDM药师工作宣传画征集展示活动2024-09-19 11:47:25
- 52024药学监护浦江论坛邀请函(第二轮)2024-09-05 17:57:10
- 6要点梳理 | 器官移植免疫抑制治疗药物监测(广州)研讨会2024-09-05 09:02:33
- 7国际TOP10药学期刊文章信息 (2024年7月)2024-09-02 16:10:38
- 8国际TOP10医学期刊药物治疗信息 (2024年6月)2024-08-09 13:52:01
- 9治疗药物监测杂志文章信息(2024年第46卷第3期)2024-08-05 09:47:51
- 10国际TOP10药学期刊文章信息 (2024年6月)2024-07-23 11:52:44